我最近的一个项目需要一些东西,并认为我可以在 OP 的解决方案上有所建树。它允许检查注释模式、引号和括号,同时忽略周围的文本。我故意让它比它需要的更通用,这样其他人就可以拿走他们想要的东西,删掉他们不想要的东西。
This module is for testing bracket pairings within a given string
Tested with Python 3.5.4
>>> regexp = getRegexFromList(opening + closing)
>>> print(regexp)
>>> test_string = 'l<--([0])-->1/*{<2>}*/3//<--4 &-->\\n5#"6"\\n7"/*(8)*/"9\'"10"\'11({12\ta})13[<14>]'
>>> patterns = re.findall(regexp, test_string)
>>> print(patterns)
['<--', '(', '[', ']', ')', '-->', '/*', '{', '<', '>', '}', '*/', '//', '<--', '-->', '\\n', '#', '"', '"', '\\n', '"', '/*', '(', ')', '*/', '"', '(', '{', '}', ')', '[', '<', '>', ']']
>>> doBracketsMatch(patterns)
>>> doBracketsMatch(['"', ')', '"', '[', ']', '\\''])
# Dependencies
import re
# Global Variables
# Provide opening and closing patterns, along with their priorities & whether a priority is nestable
opening = ['<--', '/*', '//', '#', '"', '\'', '(', '[', '{', '<']
closing = ['-->', '*/', '\n', '\n', '"', '\'', ')', ']', '}', '>']
priority = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
nestable = {0: True, 1: False}
bracket_pairs = dict(zip(opening + closing, \
[[(closing + opening)[i], (priority + priority)[i]] \
for i in range(0, opening.__len__() * 2)]))
def getRegexFromList(listOfPatterns):
Generate the search term for the regular expression
:param listOfPatterns:
>>> getRegexFromList(['"', '<--', '##', 'test'])
# Longer patterns first to prevent false negatives
search_terms = sorted(listOfPatterns, key=len, reverse=True)
regex = ""
for term in search_terms:
for char in str(term):
regex = regex + '\\' + char # Search for all characters literally
regex = regex + '|' # Search pattern = (a|b|c)
return '(' + regex[:-1] + ')' # Remove excess '|' and add brackets
def doBracketsMatch(list_of_brackets):
Determine if brackets match up
:param list_of_brackets:
stack = []
for bracket in list_of_brackets:
# Check empty stack conditions
if stack.__len__() is 0:
# Check for openings first to catch quotes
if bracket in opening:
elif bracket in closing:
return False
# Check for a matching bracket
elif bracket == bracket_pairs[stack[-1]][0]:
# Ignore cases:
# - False positives
# - Lower priority brackets
# - Equal priority brackets if nesting is not allowed
elif bracket not in bracket_pairs or \
bracket_pairs[bracket][1] < bracket_pairs[stack[-1]][1] or \
(bracket_pairs[bracket][1] == bracket_pairs[stack[-1]][1] and \
not nestable[bracket_pairs[bracket][1]]):
# New open bracket
elif bracket in opening:
# Otherwise, unpaired close bracket
return False
# If stack isn't empty, then there is an unpaired open bracket
return not bool(stack)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest