我已经为非常规网格(使用 scipy.spatial.Delaunay 函数创建)编写了 laplacien 函数。我没有错误但结果不正确:特征向量正确但特征值太高(绝对值)。
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import scipy.spatial
def rect_drum(L,H,U):
vals = []
val = 0
k = 1
l = 1
while val >= -U:
while val >= -U:
val = -np.pi**2*((k/L)**2+(l/H)**2)
if val >= -U:
l += 1
l = 1
k += 1
val = -np.pi**2*((k/L)**2+(l/H)**2)
return np.array(vals)
def count_vp(tab,U):
#count the n eigenvalues greater than equal to -U in the array tab
return tab[tab>=-U]
def in_curve(f,fargs,shape,a):
points = [] # the points inside the curve
for j in range(shape[0]):
for i in range(shape[1]):
if f(i*a,j*a,*fargs) < 0:
return np.array(points)
def triang(points,a,f,fargs,bord):
tri_points = points.copy()
tri_points[:,1] *= np.sqrt(3)
tri_points2 = np.vstack((points,bord))
tri_points2[:,1] *= np.sqrt(3)
tri_points2[:,0] += a/2
tri_points2[:,1] += np.sqrt(3)/2*a
fin = np.vstack((tri_points,tri_points2))
i = 0
eps = 0.01
while i < len(fin):
if f(fin[i,0]+eps,fin[i,1]+eps,*fargs) > 0:
fin = np.delete(fin,i,0)
i -= 1
i += 1
return np.vstack((fin,bord)),len(fin),len(bord)
def tri_ang(points,ind,p0):
# sort the points in trigonometric order
values = []
dtype = [('val',float),('n',int)]
for i in range(len(vec)):
values = np.sort(np.array(values,dtype),order='val')
new_points = []
new_ind = []
for tup in values:
return np.array(new_points),np.array(new_ind)
def M(points,tri,Nint):
indptr,ind = tri.vertex_neighbor_vertices
W = np.zeros((Nint,Nint)) # cotangents matrix
A = np.zeros((Nint,1)) # surfaces vertex array for each point i (A[i])
for i in range(Nint):
tot = 0
nhb_ind = ind[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]] # indices of the points close to the point of index k
nhb = points[nhb_ind] # their coordinates
nhb,nhb_ind = tri_ang(nhb,nhb_ind,points[i]) #the coordinates (nhb) and (nhb_ind) of each neighbor of i
for j in range(len(nhb_ind)):
vec = nhb[j]-points[i] # a vector connecting the point to his neighbor of index 0
vec_av = nhb[j-1]-points[i] # another vector but with the Vosin from before
if j+1 >= len(nhb_ind):
k = 0
k = j+1
vec_ap = nhb[k]-points[i] # another vector but with the next neighbor
# another vector but with the next neighbor
A[i] += 0.5/3*np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec,vec_av))
if nhb_ind[j] < Nint:
# we use the vector and scalar product to calculate the cotangents: A.B/||AxB||
cotan_alpha = np.dot(vec_av,vec_av-vec)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec_av,vec_av-vec))
cotan_beta = np.dot(vec_ap,vec_ap-vec)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(vec_ap,vec_ap-vec))
# Wij value :
W[i,nhb_ind[j]] = -0.5*(cotan_alpha+cotan_beta)
tot += cotan_alpha+cotan_beta
W[i,i] = -0.5*tot # diagonal values
return (1/A)*W
def rect(x,y,L,H,x0=0,y0=0):
if 0<x-x0<L and 0<y-y0<H:
return -1
return 1
def rect_rim(L,H,a,x0=0,y0=0):
tab1 = np.arange(x0,L+x0,a)[:,np.newaxis]
h = np.hstack((tab1,H*np.ones((len(tab1),1))+y0))
b = np.hstack((tab1,np.zeros((len(tab1),1))+y0))
tab2 = np.arange(y0+a,H+y0,a)[:,np.newaxis]
g = np.hstack((np.zeros((len(tab2),1))+x0,tab2))
d = np.hstack((L*np.ones((len(tab2),1))+x0,tab2))
hp = np.array([[L+x0,H+y0]])
bp = np.array([[L+x0,0]])
return np.vstack((h,b,g,d,hp,bp))
# sample with a square 1*1
L = 1
H = 1
dl = 0.05
sol = in_curve(rect,[L,H],(100,100),dl)
sol_tri,Nint,Nbord = triang(sol,dl,rect,[L,H],rect_rim(L,H,dl))
# plt.plot(sol_tri[:,0],sol_tri[:,1],linestyle="",marker="+",label="tri")
# plt.plot(sol[:,0],sol[:,1],linestyle="",marker="x")
# plt.legend()
# plt.show()
# triangulation
tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(sol_tri)
# plt.triplot(sol_tri[:,0],sol_tri[:,1],tri.simplices)
# plt.show()
M = M(sol_tri,tri,Nint)
valp,vecp = np.linalg.eig(M) # eigenvalues and eigenvectors
vecp = np.real(vecp)
# comparison with the exact solution:
T = 1000
U = np.arange(0,T,1)
NUsim = np.array([len(count_vp(valp,u)) for u in U])
NU = np.array([len(rect_drum(L,H,u)) for u in U])
# 3D plot of an eigenvector
vecp_tot = np.vstack((vecp,np.zeros((Nbord,Nint))))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
“in_curve 函数”返回由 f(x,y,*fargs) < 0(样本中的正方形)定义的曲线内的点。
我使用了https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Laplace_operator(“mesh laplacians”)中给出的公式。