我一般对资源字典和合并字典有疑问,尤其是在资源查找性能方面。经过一些性能测试后,我发现 ResourceDictionary.get_MergedDictionaries 是点击次数最多的调用(在 ANTS 分析器中检查)。我们有大约 300 个资源字典 xamls,其中很多都使用合并字典来“包含”其他样式。好吧,get_MergedDictionaries 依赖于我们应用程序的一部分,其中没有发生太多事情,大约有 1000 万次点击。所以我的猜测是我们对资源字典做的完全错误。所以我试图重构一切,我想尝试摆脱所有合并的字典。
现在到实际的问题。我试图摆脱合并的字典,但失败了。我的理解是,当您使用 StaticResource 时,查找需要在当前资源之前定义资源。我做了以下简短的例子:
自定义控件库包含 2 个 xamls。
<!-- Colors.xaml -->
<ResourceDictionary [stripped namespaces] >
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="myColor" Color="Green"/>
<!-- Templates.xaml -->
<ResourceDictionary [stripped namespaces]>
<ControlTemplate x:Key="myTemplate" TargetType="Button">
<Rectangle Fill="{StaticResource myColor}"/>
现在在主项目中,MainWindow.xaml 看起来像这样
<Window x:Class="ResourceTest.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<ResourceDictionary Source="/ResourceTestLib;component/Themes/Colors.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="/ResourceTestLib;component/Themes/Template.xaml"/>
<Button Template="{StaticResource myTemplate}"/>
That is the desired goal. but unfortunately this crashes because the resource "myColor" cannot be found. I of course know how to fix it, add a mergeddictionary in Templates.xaml and reference Colors.xaml but i always thought, well i never really checked, that resources are looked up depending on the logical tree and the resources of the element. My understanding is; Button is created; try to lookup template .. found; try to lookup color, not found on own resources, walk up and use the windows resources.
It seems that i'm wrong. So i hope someone can shed some light on this for me. We make heavy use of WPF and despite of this we accomplished a lot with it, but because of some wrong learned behaviour in the beginning, our performance is pretty bad just because of the resource lookup. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance Best regards Nico