我正在使用带有 C/C++ 的 Win32Api(Windows API)。

我能够采用像素的 RGB 颜色。

void WaitForSinglePixel(int x, int y,COLORREF color) //Passing pixel's (X,Y) co-ordinate & the particular Color I need at that pixel.
    COLORREF _tempcolor; //in _tempcolor I will assign current color of the pixel at (x,y)
    DWORD Red = GetRValue(color); DWORD Green = GetGValue(color); DWORD Blue = GetBValue(color);
    do //Creating a busy loop
        HDC dc = GetDC(NULL);
        _tempcolor = GetPixel(dc, x, y); //assigning current color of the pixel at (x,y)
        ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
    } while( (GetRValue(_tempcolor) != Red) & (GetGValue(_tempcolor) != Green) & (GetBValue(_tempcolor) != Blue) );



1 回答 1


There is no API that allows you to register a callback to be called whenever a pixel's color changes.

于 2021-04-02T16:26:20.380 回答