我使用 react 和 redux 创建了一个博客 Web 应用程序,在我的博客中有 4 个字段 id、title、seoName 和 description,并且在描述中输入我正在使用微型 Mce 文本编辑器现在我想显示保存在博客的描述字段中的文本HTML 中的类并使用椭圆截断它 在此处输入图像描述


        "_id" : ObjectId("60640e75f7bafb14f6563d52"),
        "title" : "Improve Your Developer Experience With Nuxt Components",
        "seoName" : "improve-your-developer-experience-with-nuxt-components",
        "description" : "<p><img src=\"https://webconnect-upload.s3.amazonaws.com/160x00u0xj1ny179o3a1fd07kl26/screenshot-from-2021-03-31-11-22-39.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"802\" height=\"274\" /></p>\n<h2 id=\"introduction\">Introduction</h2>\n<p>The Nuxt team has introduced&nbsp;<strong><a href=\"https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nuxt/components\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">@nuxt/components</a></strong>&nbsp;module with the purpose to make Nuxt development faster and to make you, as a developer, more productive. This module comes with amazing features and options that will improve your development experience with Nuxt. No matter if you&rsquo;re just starting out or an advanced user,&nbsp;<a href=\"https://github.com/nuxt/components\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">@nuxt/components</a>&nbsp;provides a range of options from the simplest setup to advance configurations that will certainly benefit your projects.</p>\n<p>In a nutshell, this module automatically scans, imports and registers Vue components found in the&nbsp;<strong><code>~/components</code></strong>&nbsp;directory, so that we don't have to write import statements when we use them in either pages, layouts or even within components.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><em>This module parses your template and automatically includes the component in the file where you are using it such as a page, layout or even a component. Because Nuxt.js uses automatic code splitting to split your pages by default this module works perfect as it will only contain the components that are used on that page. Also, if you use a component in more than 2 pages, Nuxt.js will automatically create a shared chunk for them thanks to the magic of WebPack.</em></p>\n</blockquote>",



                  <p className="m-0px truncateBlogDesc"
                  dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: e.description }}

2 回答 2


您可以使用正则表达式替换字符串 ( e.description) 中的每个 <img ..> 标记。

例如 :

var tmp = inner.replace(/<img .*?>/g,"<text>"); # remove <text> to replace the tag with an empty string ​


​&lt;p className="m-0px truncateBlogDesc" ​dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: e.description.replace(/<img .*?>/g,"") }} ​&gt;</p>
于 2021-03-31T14:16:37.990 回答

我用这个函数做了类似的事情。也许它会帮助你。此函数触发所有 html 并仅返回文本。

const htmlparser = require('htmlparser2');

function stripTags(html) {
  let strippedHtml = '';
  // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
  const parser = new htmlparser.Parser({
    ontext(text) {
      strippedHtml +=  text;

  return strippedHtml;
于 2021-03-31T15:24:25.003 回答