我在许多 Helm Chart 的 Chart.yaml 中看到开发人员提供关键字,例如
- "http"
- "https"
- "web server"
提供这些有什么意义?这些是否得到了 Helm 中的某些东西的验证?我试图找出原因,但我没有得到有用的信息,所以在这里发布。
我在许多 Helm Chart 的 Chart.yaml 中看到开发人员提供关键字,例如
- "http"
- "https"
- "web server"
提供这些有什么意义?这些是否得到了 Helm 中的某些东西的验证?我试图找出原因,但我没有得到有用的信息,所以在这里发布。
字段指定有关项目的关键字列表。它可以帮助用户根据关键字搜索图表。例如,helm search repo database
$ helm search repo database
stable/cockroachdb 3.0.8 19.2.5 DEPRECATED -- CockroachDB is a scalable, surviv...
stable/couchdb 2.3.0 2.3.1 DEPRECATED A database featuring seamless multi-...
stable/dokuwiki 6.0.11 0.20180422.201901061035 DEPRECATED DokuWiki is a standards-compliant, s...
stable/ignite 1.2.2 2.7.6 DEPRECATED - Apache Ignite is an open-source di...
stable/janusgraph 0.2.6 1.0 DEPRECATED - Open source, scalable graph database.
stable/kubedb 0.1.3 0.8.0-beta.2 DEPRECATED KubeDB by AppsCode - Making running ...
stable/mariadb 7.3.14 10.3.22 DEPRECATED Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy t...
stable/mediawiki 9.1.9 1.34.0 DEPRECATED Extremely powerful, scalable softwar...
stable/mongodb 7.8.10 4.2.4 DEPRECATED NoSQL document-oriented database tha...
stable/mongodb-replicaset 3.17.2 3.6 DEPRECATED - NoSQL document-oriented database t...
stable/mysql 1.6.9 5.7.30 DEPRECATED - Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy...
stable/mysqldump 2.6.2 2.4.1 DEPRECATED! - A Helm chart to help backup MySQL...
stable/neo4j 3.0.1 4.0.4 DEPRECATED Neo4j is the world's leading graph d...
stable/pgadmin 1.2.2 4.18.0 pgAdmin is a web based administration tool for ...
stable/postgresql 8.6.4 11.7.0 DEPRECATED Chart for PostgreSQL, an object-rela...
stable/prisma 1.2.4 1.29.1 DEPRECATED Prisma turns your database into a re...
stable/prometheus 11.12.1 2.20.1 DEPRECATED Prometheus is a monitoring system an...
stable/rethinkdb 1.1.4 0.1.0 DEPRECATED - The open-source database for the r...
stable/couchbase-operator 1.0.4 1.2.2 DEPRECATED A Helm chart to deploy the Couchbase...
stable/hazelcast 3.3.2 4.0.1 DEPRECATED Hazelcast IMDG is the most widely us...
stable/influxdb 4.3.2 1.7.9 DEPRECATED Scalable datastore for metrics, even...
stable/percona 1.2.3 5.7.26 DEPRECATED - free, fully compatible, enhanced, ...
stable/percona-xtradb-cluster 1.0.8 5.7.19 DEPRECATED - free, fully compatible, enhanced, ...
stable/redis 10.5.7 5.0.7 DEPRECATED Open source, advanced key-value stor...
stable/redis-ha 4.4.6 5.0.6 DEPRECATED - Highly available Kubernetes implem...
$ helm show chart stable/mariadb
apiVersion: v1
appVersion: 10.3.22
deprecated: true
description: DEPRECATED Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use open-source relational database system. MariaDB Server is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed software. Highly available MariaDB cluster.
home: https://mariadb.org
icon: https://bitnami.com/assets/stacks/mariadb/img/mariadb-stack-220x234.png
- mariadb
- mysql
- database
- sql
- prometheus
name: mariadb
- https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-mariadb
- https://github.com/prometheus/mysqld_exporter
version: 7.3.14