很想尝试将 BufferedImages 导出到 JPEG-XR,但找不到要添加到 java 工作流的导出工具。最好在某个地方有一个 JAI 插件......我谷歌搜索无济于事。希望这里有人可以为我们指明在哪里可以找到此类资源的正确方向。


1 回答 1


There are currently no publicly available JPEG-XR libraries in Java.

However, at http://teavuihuang.com/hdphoto/ is a J2ME app that appears to support the JPEG-XR format: this looks like the only Java artifact I've EVER seen that even mentions support for JPEG-XR. Maybe if you contact the author he may be persuaded to part with his JPEG-XR output code: it probably won't be JAI-compatible, but it'll be a start.

Let me know if you find anything..

于 2011-07-15T15:29:56.793 回答