我有一个 java 项目,其中 PreparedStatements 没有在任何 SQL 查询中使用。现在我想为所有这些查询实现 PreparedStatements。而不是通过放置“?”来修改每个查询 ,我想写一个函数,它接受 SQL 查询字符串,它解析它并返回各种 SQL 子句的值的映射。
public class SQLParser {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String sqlString = "select * from table t where columnA = 'hello' and columnB = 'hai'";
Map<Integer,String> values = new HashMap<>();
values = parseQuery(sqlString);
System.out.println(values); // prints { {1,'hello'} , {2,'hai'} }
private static Map<Integer,String> parseQuery(String sqlString) {
Map<Integer,String> values = new HashMap<>();
// ???? I want this function
return values;
sqlString : select * from table t where columnA = 'hello' AND columnB = 'hai'
输出: { {1,'hello'} , {2,'hai'} }
sqlString : select * from table t where columnA IN ('hello' ,'hai')
output : { {1,'hello'} , {2,'hai'} }
sqlString : select * from table t where columnA > 17 AND columnB BETWEEN 10 AND 20;
输出:{ {1,'17'} , {2, '10' } , {3, '20'} }