在 Db 的 My_Quotes 表(参见下面的 MyQuotes 结构)中,我存储了从设备上的用户联系人中选择的联系人的 ID。这样,如果联系人信息发生更改,ID 将保持不变。因此,我从 Db 中的 My_Quotes 表中提取 ContactID,并使用它通过 func get_ContactName_Org 构建 ContactFullName、ContactFirst、ContactLast 和 ContactOrg。

我遇到的问题是 ContactFullName、ContactFirst、ContactLast 和 ContactOrg(请参阅下面的 QuoteList 结构)不在 My_Quotes 表中。错误是:致命错误:无法从缺少的列 ContactFullName 中读取字符串

我理解错误,但将这些项目添加到 My_Quotes 表中会导致许多其他问题。如何将这些项目插入到数组中?

        var theArray = [QuoteList]()

        do {
            try dbQueue_GRDB.read { db in
                for quotes in try QuoteList.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT * FROM My_Quotes ORDER BY QuoteID")
                    let fullString = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).fullStaring
                    let first = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).firstName
                    let last = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).lastName
                    let org = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).clientOrg

                    theArray.append(QuoteList(QuoteID: quotes.QuoteID,
                                              Quote_Number: quotes.Quote_Number,
                                              Quote_Status: quotes.Quote_Status,
                                              ContactID: quotes.ContactID,
                                              ContactFullName: fullString, // This is not in the My_Quotes table
                                              ContactFirst: first, // This is not in the My_Quotes table
                                              ContactLast: last, // This is not in the My_Quotes table
                                              ContactOrg: org, // This is not in the My_Quotes table
                                              Inv_ID: quotes.Inv_ID,
                                              Locked_Bool: quotes.Locked_Bool))
        } catch {
            print("Couldn't populate the quote list! \(error)")

    static func get_ContactName_Org(contactID: String) -> (firstName: String, lastName: String, clientOrg: String, fullStaring: String)
        let store = CNContactStore()
        var theName = CNContact()
        var theStaring: String = ""
        var firstName: String = ""
        var lastName: String = ""
        var clientOrg: String = ""
        do {
            theName = try store.unifiedContact(withIdentifier: contactID, keysToFetch: [CNContactFormatter.descriptorForRequiredKeys(for: .fullName)])
        } catch {
            print("Fetching contact data failed: \(error)")
        firstName = theName.givenName
        lastName = theName.familyName
        clientOrg = theName.organizationName
        theStaring = theName.organizationName == "" ? theName.givenName + " " + theName.familyName : theName.givenName + " " + theName.familyName + ", " + theName.organizationName
        return (firstName,lastName,clientOrg,theStaring)

struct QuoteList: Codable, FetchableRecord
    let QuoteID: Int64
    var Quote_Number: String
    var Quote_Status: String
    var ContactID: String
    var ContactFullName: String // This is not in the My_Quotes table
    var ContactFirst: String // This is not in the My_Quotes table
    var ContactLast: String // This is not in the My_Quotes table
    var ContactOrg: String // This is not in the My_Quotes table
    var Inv_ID: Int64?
    var Locked_Bool: String

struct MyQuotes: Codable, FetchableRecord
    let QuoteID: Int64
    var Quote_Number: String
    var Quote_Date: String
    var Quote_Status: String
    var NumOf_People: String?
    var Event_Venue: String?
    var Routine_ID: Int64?
    var Routine_Price: Double?
    var Quote_Deposit: Double?
    var Deposit_Date: String?
    var Age_Range: String?
    var Lodging_Exp: Double?
    var Gas_Exp: Double?
    var Meals_Exp: Double?
    var Miscel_Exp: Double?
    var Airfare_Exp: Double?
    var Show_Start: String?
    var Show_End: String?
    var Show_Date: String?
    var Notes_Exp: String?
    var ContactID: String
    var Quote_Rejection: String?
    var Inv_ID: Int64?
    var Quote_Discount: Int?
    var Locked_Bool: String

1 回答 1


首先,没有QuoteList采用FetchableRecord. 为什么?因为数据库行不包含足够的信息来构建QuoteListFetchableRecord正如致命错误告诉您的那样,带有一个init(row: Row)无法正确实现的初始化程序。QuoteList采用FetchableRecord并提供不包含足够信息的数据库行是程序员的错误。



// Instead of:
// for quotes in try QuoteList.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT * FROM My_Quotes ORDER BY QuoteID")
for rows in try Row.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT * FROM My_Quotes ORDER BY QuoteID") {
    let fullString = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).fullStaring
    let first = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).firstName
    let last = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).lastName
    let org = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).clientOrg
    let quoteList = QuoteList(
        QuoteID: row["QuoteID"],
        Quote_Number: row["Quote_Number"],
        Quote_Status: row["Quote_Status"],
        ContactID: row["ContactID"],
        ContactFullName: fullString,
        ContactFirst: first,
        ContactLast: last,
        ContactOrg: org,
        Inv_ID: row["Inv_ID"],
        Locked_Bool: row["Locked_Bool"])


struct PartialQuoteList: Codable, FetchableRecord
    let QuoteID: Int64
    var Quote_Number: String
    var Quote_Status: String
    var ContactID: String
    var Inv_ID: Int64?
    var Locked_Bool: String
for partial in try PartialQuoteList.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT * FROM My_Quotes ORDER BY QuoteID") {
    let fullString = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).fullStaring
    let first = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).firstName
    let last = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).lastName
    let org = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).clientOrg
    let quoteList = QuoteList(
        QuoteID: partial.QuoteID,
        Quote_Number: partial.Quote_Number,
        Quote_Status: partial.Quote_Status,
        ContactID: partial.ContactID,
        ContactFullName: fullString,
        ContactFirst: first,
        ContactLast: last,
        ContactOrg: org,
        Inv_ID: partial.Inv_ID
        Locked_Bool: partial.Locked_Bool)
于 2021-03-30T07:42:10.093 回答