让我们把问题变得更难一些,比如 5 个骰子。
rolls <- sample(1:6,replace = TRUE, size = 5)
target.mountain <- 7
#Make all possible combinations of the dice:
map_dfr(seq_along(rolls),~ combn(seq_along(rolls),.x,simplify = FALSE) %>%
map(~tibble(dice = list(.), sum = sum(rolls[.]), rolls = list(rolls[.]),length = length(.)))) %>%
#filter to only those combinations which equal the target
filter(sum == target.mountain) %>%
#Now make all possible combinations of the sets that equal the target
{map2(.x = list(.), .y = nrow(.) %>% map(.x = seq(.), .f = combn,x=.,simplify = FALSE) %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE),
~.x[unlist(.y),])} %>%
#Subset to non-overlapping sets
subset(map_lgl(.,~length(reduce(.x$dice,union))==length(unlist(.x$dice)))) -> part1
map(part1, as.data.frame)
# dice sum rolls length
#1 1, 3 7 3, 4 2
# dice sum rolls length
#1 4, 5 7 6, 1 2
# dice sum rolls length
#1 2, 3, 5 7 2, 4, 1 3
# dice sum rolls length
#1 1, 3 7 3, 4 2
#2 4, 5 7 6, 1 2
part1 %>%
#subset to the largest number of sets
subset(map_dbl(.,nrow) == max(map_dbl(.,nrow))) %>%
#subset to the fewest number of total dice
subset(map_dbl(.,~sum(.x$length)) == min(map_dbl(.,~sum(.x$length)))) %>%
#if there are still ties, pick the first
`[[`(1) -> part2
# dice sum rolls length
#1 1, 3 7 3, 4 2
#2 4, 5 7 6, 1 2