我正在使用 AWS KMS 为每个用户的会话生成唯一的密钥对,然后对定义为使用开放 ssl 加密的每一列进行加密。因此,我实现了以下特征,它加密和解密getEncryptAttributes在保存/检索时定义的字段:

trait HasEncryption
     * Set the array of encrypted attributes which will be stored in the database as encrypted text. Ensure the database
     * column type to be binary. If you know a precise size, set it like in the respective database migration linked below. Else, use laravel's builtin $table->binary()
     * @return string[]
     * @see \AddCipherKeyToUsers::up()
    abstract public function getEncryptAttributes(): array;

     * Init the model event-handlers
     * @throws \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException
    public static function bootHasEncryption()
        // On save: Encrypt the data and store the keys to decrypt in the database
        static::saving(function (Model $model) {
            // For all encrypt-attributes, encrypt the data
            foreach ($model->getEncryptAttributes() as $attribute) {
                if (!is_null($model->getAttribute($attribute))) {
                    $res = $model->encryptionService->encrypt($model->getAttribute($attribute));
                    $model->setAttribute($attribute, $res['encrypted']);
            // If something was encrypted, store the encryption keys to the database to use for decryption
            if (isset($res)) {
                $model->setAttribute('encrypted_key', $res['key']);
                $model->setAttribute('encryption_iv', $res['iv']);
            return $model;

        // On retreive: Decrypt all attributes using the keys stored above
        static::retrieved(function (Model $model) {
            // For all encrypt-attributes, decrypt the data with the encryption keys stored on encrypt method
            foreach ($model->getEncryptAttributes() as $attribute) {
                if (!is_null($model->getAttribute($attribute)) && !is_null($model->getAttribute('encrypted_key')) && !is_null($model->getAttribute('encryption_iv'))) {
                    $decrypted = $model->encryptionService->decrypt($model->getAttribute($attribute), $model->getAttribute('encrypted_key'), $model->getAttribute('encryption_iv'));
                    $model->setAttribute($attribute, $decrypted);
            return $model;

     * Get the app's encryption service singelton through magic attribute accessor
     * @return EncryptionService
    public function getEncryptionServiceAttribute(): EncryptionService
        return app()->make(EncryptionService::class);

EncryptionService是一个单例,它将在会话的整个生命周期中使用相同的密钥。如果会话中没有可用的密钥,它将连接到 AWS STS 并为此会话获取新令牌。

我们不能使用 aurora DB 的默认 AWS 加密,因为数据必须以加密状态通过网络,并且每个用户的数据必须独立加密。


$thing->setAttribute('encrypted_attribute', 'value');
dump($thing->getAttribute('encrypted_attribute'); // will print ú©N╬B═Ø©ªx\rÒ┤Ò·&



编辑:有时,提问可以帮助我的大脑。我认为雄辩的模型具有finishSave触发saved事件的方法。所以我添加了static::savedtrait 并在那里解密。似乎工作。不过,您是否发现此设计存在任何潜在缺陷,或者您是否有经验通常如何实现这一点?


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