Is there a place where there is an introductory overview of the OmniThreadLibray for Delphi?

I have the current code installed in Delphi XE. The examples work. I've been looking over the associated The Delphi Geek blog with usage examples. Gabr admits the documentation does not exist. I would like to get a handle of the structure of the framework before diving into specific examples. I do have an understanding of the usage of TThread so I don't need go to a Threading 101 site.

The framework has shown to have a loyal following and I'd like to think I just haven't looked in the right place.


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OmniThreadLibrary 的作者Primož Gabrijelčič正在编写一本书来记录图书馆。它最初是一个 wiki,并且一直在发展。


电子书:使用 OmniThreadLibrary 进行并行编程

随着部分在 Wiki 中完成,它们将被添加到电子书中。来自 Primož 的博客

根据精益出版宣言,使用 OmniThreadLibrary 进行并行编程在编写时出版。当我对某一章感到满意时(或者甚至是某个部分,如果它足够重要的话),我点击 LeanPub 网站上的发布按钮,所有读者都可以使用新的、更新的书

于 2012-07-08T15:21:31.327 回答

据我所知,没有您所说的类型的概述。最接近的就是例子。它们提供了您可以使用 OTL 执行的操作的演示,您可以研究代码以了解它们在做什么以及它是如何实现的。我不认为你会找到比这更好的东西,至少目前是这样。

于 2011-07-13T16:06:06.210 回答