I would to know the software which can view code of Microsoft word software and any other software code. So that I can learn from that software code and how they used in there. (sound's like illegal but really it is helpful for the programmer)

any Ideas


3 回答 3


What you're describing is called a disassembler or decompiler. It is rarely useful for what you want it for, because the intent of the programmer expressed in variable, method, and class names - is mostly lost. This is somewhat less true for modern bytecode languages like Java and C#.

于 2011-07-13T12:07:34.450 回答

You need to get a decompiler for viewing the code of dll and exe files based on the language its coded in.

example: Delphi Dll Decompiler

search for an appropriate decompiler te get the code back.

于 2011-07-13T12:05:01.727 回答

You ask for a decompiler. Please note decompiling is illegal in many juridictions. Also once you decompile you usually get very hard to read assembly code learning from which is problematic unless you have plenty of experience and know exactly what you're looking for.

于 2011-07-13T12:07:34.197 回答