

我目前的代码如下【应该可以单独在python notebook中运行】

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import scipy
import cmath 
import math
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import collections  as mc
import pylab as pl

midpoints = [[305.0, 244.5], [293.5, 237.0], [274.5, 367.5], [270.5, 373.5], [229.5, 391.0], [216.0, 396.0], [302.0, 269.0], [295.0, 271.0], [60.5, 146.5], [54.0, 153.0], [52.0, 167.0], [54.0, 153.0], [52.0, 167.0], [45.0, 178.0], [75.0, 76.5], [68.5, 98.5], [75.0, 76.5], [97.0, 58.5], [283.5, 357.5], [274.5, 367.5], [309.0, 255.0], [305.0, 244.5], [309.0, 255.0], [302.0, 269.0], [299.5, 291.5], [300.0, 297.0], [300.0, 297.0], [295.0, 309.5], [62.5, 105.0], [61.0, 118.5], [62.5, 105.0], [68.5, 98.5], [58.0, 139.0], [60.5, 146.5], [241.0, 111.5], [252.0, 124.5], [256.0, 132.5], [252.0, 124.5], [283.0, 356.0], [283.5, 357.5], [300.0, 290.5], [299.5, 291.5], [300.0, 290.5], [296.0, 280.5], [296.0, 280.5], [295.0, 271.0], [158.0, 387.0], [177.0, 396.5], [197.5, 402.0], [192.5, 403.0], [189.5, 400.5], [192.5, 403.0], [197.5, 402.0], [202.5, 401.0], [214.0, 395.5], [216.0, 396.0], [202.5, 401.0], [214.0, 395.5], [233.5, 375.0], [229.5, 391.0], [233.5, 375.0], [249.0, 372.5], [282.5, 340.0], [284.5, 328.0], [284.5, 328.0], [295.0, 309.5], [45.0, 178.0], [49.5, 189.0], [57.0, 198.0], [49.5, 189.0], [238.5, 108.5], [241.0, 111.5], [162.0, 57.5], [170.0, 59.0], [239.5, 204.5], [239.0, 200.0], [293.5, 237.0], [291.0, 227.5], [265.0, 229.5], [291.0, 227.5], [239.0, 189.5], [245.5, 178.0], [239.0, 189.5], [241.0, 193.5], [241.0, 193.5], [239.0, 200.0], [55.0, 119.0], [61.0, 118.5], [53.5, 134.0], [58.0, 139.0], [50.0, 129.0], [55.0, 119.0], [50.0, 129.0], [53.5, 134.0], [107.0, 46.0], [119.5, 50.5], [97.0, 54.0], [97.0, 58.5], [107.0, 46.0], [97.0, 54.0], [150.5, 377.0], [158.0, 387.0], [257.5, 367.5], [270.5, 373.5], [249.0, 372.5], [257.5, 367.5], [280.0, 349.5], [282.5, 340.0], [280.0, 349.5], [283.0, 356.0], [239.5, 90.0], [238.5, 98.0], [238.5, 108.5], [238.5, 98.0], [130.0, 49.0], [119.5, 50.5], [189.0, 65.0], [191.0, 64.5], [189.0, 65.0], [177.0, 62.5], [170.0, 59.0], [177.0, 62.5], [256.0, 132.5], [257.5, 139.5], [128.0, 361.5], [127.5, 360.0], [136.5, 382.5], [131.5, 378.5], [126.5, 370.0], [131.5, 378.5], [128.0, 361.5], [126.5, 370.0], [105.5, 343.5], [101.0, 324.5], [105.5, 343.5], [121.5, 347.5], [126.0, 353.0], [127.5, 360.0], [121.5, 347.5], [126.0, 353.0], [191.0, 64.5], [198.5, 72.0], [237.5, 83.5], [239.5, 90.0], [145.5, 49.0], [138.5, 49.0], [159.0, 57.0], [162.0, 57.5], [145.5, 49.0], [159.0, 57.0], [265.0, 229.5], [254.5, 220.0], [253.0, 216.5], [254.5, 220.0], [253.0, 216.5], [248.0, 208.5], [248.0, 208.5], [239.5, 204.5], [245.0, 173.5], [245.5, 178.0], [250.0, 158.0], [245.0, 173.5], [257.5, 139.5], [250.0, 158.0], [177.0, 396.5], [181.0, 395.5], [181.0, 395.5], [189.5, 400.5], [147.0, 377.0], [150.5, 377.0], [140.5, 381.5], [147.0, 377.0], [140.5, 381.5], [136.5, 382.5], [92.5, 313.5], [101.0, 324.5], [99.5, 290.0], [92.5, 313.5], [98.0, 271.0], [99.5, 290.0], [134.5, 47.5], [130.0, 49.0], [134.5, 47.5], [138.5, 49.0], [73.0, 222.5], [71.0, 214.5], [107.5, 246.0], [110.5, 248.0], [104.0, 266.5], [98.0, 271.0], [69.0, 209.5], [71.0, 214.5], [226.5, 87.0], [237.5, 83.5], [226.5, 87.0], [205.5, 94.5], [205.5, 94.5], [205.5, 77.5], [198.5, 72.0], [205.5, 77.5], [96.5, 244.5], [107.5, 246.0], [109.0, 265.5], [104.0, 266.5], [108.0, 263.5], [110.5, 248.0], [109.0, 265.5], [108.0, 263.5], [65.0, 205.5], [69.0, 209.5], [57.0, 198.0], [56.0, 201.5], [65.0, 205.5], [56.0, 201.5], [90.0, 240.0], [96.5, 244.5], [83.0, 224.0], [73.0, 222.5], [90.5, 231.5], [83.0, 224.0], [90.0, 240.0], [90.5, 231.5]]

x_list = [ p[0] for p in midpoints ]
y_list = [ p[1] for p in midpoints ]
complexmdpts = [ [p[0]+1j*p[1]] for p in midpoints ]

plt.scatter(x_list, y_list, s=50, marker="x", color='y') 

coefs = np.fft.fftshift(scipy.fft.fft(complexmdpts))
n = len(coefs)
print("coeffs[{}]:\n{}".format(n, coefs[:5]))

#todo: sort coeffs?

# function in terms of t to trace out curve
def f(t):
    for i in range(-int(n/2), int(n/2)+1):
    return [ftx/n, fty/n]

lines = [] # store computed lines segments to approximate function

pft = f(0) # compute first point

t_list = np.linspace(0, 2*math.pi, n) # compute list of dts to use when drawing

for t in t_list: 
    cft = f(t)
#     print("f({}): {} \n".format(t, cft))
    pft = cft

#draw f(t) approximation
lc = mc.LineCollection(lines)
fig, ax = pl.subplots()






我不相信正确使用快速傅立叶变换。从我读到的 fft 是我需要的,我移动它是因为 scipy fft 返回移动的数组,我认为我的代码的其余部分是正确的,假设系数是正确的,这就是我怀疑的原因系数。



1 回答 1




由于您正在计算 2D 数组的 FFT complexmdpts(每个元素都是 1 个复数值的数组),因此默认行为scipy.fft是沿最后一个轴计算 FFT。在这种情况下,这意味着您实际上正在计算n长度为 1 的 FFT,并且鉴于长度为 1 的 FFT 是恒等式,整个计算将返回原始数组。一种解决方案是axis=0明确指定:




在尝试解释 FFT 系数时,通常会出现混淆。较高指数中的系数对应于发生在奈奎斯特频率之上的环绕之后的负频率。为了在负频率出现在其直观位置的图上可视化这些系数,将较高索引中fftshift的系数与较低索引中的系数交换。这样,对应于负频率的系数出现在对应于正频率的系数之前。

在您的特定情况下,将f(t)负频率(无论何时i为负, 的参数也是如此cmath.exp)与负索引处的系数相关联的计算。由于 python 数组索引方便地使用从数组末尾倒数的元素作为负索引,因此在使用负索引进行索引时,您正确地使用了与负频率相对应的系数。所有这一切都说明您不需要用 交换系数fftshift,并且可以直接通过以下方式获得系数:

coefs = scipy.fft(complexmdpts,axis=0)


您已指定t范围从 0 到2*math.pi. 鉴于您f(t)的域实现实际上范围从 0 到n(例如,当i==1参数 tocmath.exp从 0 到1j*2*math.piast从 0 到 时n)。要使曲线跨越整个域,您应该t相应地更新您的值:

t_list = np.linspace(0, n, n)





排序后基于 FFT 的插值


def sort_points(points):
  # pick a point
  reference_point = points[0]
  sorted = [reference_point]
  remaining_points = range(1,len(points))
  for i in range(1,len(points)):

    # find the closest point to reference_point, 
    mindiff = np.sum(np.square(np.array(points[remaining_points[0]])-reference_point))
    idx = 0
    # loop over all the other remaining points
    for j in range(1,len(remaining_points)):
      diff = np.sum(np.square(np.array(points[remaining_points[j]])-reference_point))
      if diff < mindiff:
        mindiff = diff
        idx = j        
    # found the closest: update the selected point, and add it to the list of sorted points
    reference_point = points[remaining_points[idx]]
    sorted.append(reference_point )
    remaining_points = np.delete(remaining_points, idx)
  return sorted    


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import scipy
import cmath 
import math
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import collections  as mc
import pylab as pl

def sort_points(points):
  # pick a point
  reference_point = points[0]
  sorted = [reference_point]
  remaining_points = range(1,len(points))
  for i in range(1,len(points)):

    # find the closest point to reference_point, 
    mindiff = np.sum(np.square(np.array(points[remaining_points[0]])-reference_point))
    idx = 0
    # loop over all the other remaining points
    for j in range(1,len(remaining_points)):
      diff = np.sum(np.square(np.array(points[remaining_points[j]])-reference_point))
      if diff < mindiff:
        mindiff = diff
        idx = j        
    # found the closest: update the selected point, and add it to the list of sorted points
    reference_point = points[remaining_points[idx]]
    sorted.append(reference_point )
    remaining_points = np.delete(remaining_points, idx)
  return sorted    

midpoints = [[305.0, 244.5], [293.5, 237.0], [274.5, 367.5], [270.5, 373.5], [229.5, 391.0], [216.0, 396.0], [302.0, 269.0], [295.0, 271.0], [60.5, 146.5], [54.0, 153.0], [52.0, 167.0], [54.0, 153.0], [52.0, 167.0], [45.0, 178.0], [75.0, 76.5], [68.5, 98.5], [75.0, 76.5], [97.0, 58.5], [283.5, 357.5], [274.5, 367.5], [309.0, 255.0], [305.0, 244.5], [309.0, 255.0], [302.0, 269.0], [299.5, 291.5], [300.0, 297.0], [300.0, 297.0], [295.0, 309.5], [62.5, 105.0], [61.0, 118.5], [62.5, 105.0], [68.5, 98.5], [58.0, 139.0], [60.5, 146.5], [241.0, 111.5], [252.0, 124.5], [256.0, 132.5], [252.0, 124.5], [283.0, 356.0], [283.5, 357.5], [300.0, 290.5], [299.5, 291.5], [300.0, 290.5], [296.0, 280.5], [296.0, 280.5], [295.0, 271.0], [158.0, 387.0], [177.0, 396.5], [197.5, 402.0], [192.5, 403.0], [189.5, 400.5], [192.5, 403.0], [197.5, 402.0], [202.5, 401.0], [214.0, 395.5], [216.0, 396.0], [202.5, 401.0], [214.0, 395.5], [233.5, 375.0], [229.5, 391.0], [233.5, 375.0], [249.0, 372.5], [282.5, 340.0], [284.5, 328.0], [284.5, 328.0], [295.0, 309.5], [45.0, 178.0], [49.5, 189.0], [57.0, 198.0], [49.5, 189.0], [238.5, 108.5], [241.0, 111.5], [162.0, 57.5], [170.0, 59.0], [239.5, 204.5], [239.0, 200.0], [293.5, 237.0], [291.0, 227.5], [265.0, 229.5], [291.0, 227.5], [239.0, 189.5], [245.5, 178.0], [239.0, 189.5], [241.0, 193.5], [241.0, 193.5], [239.0, 200.0], [55.0, 119.0], [61.0, 118.5], [53.5, 134.0], [58.0, 139.0], [50.0, 129.0], [55.0, 119.0], [50.0, 129.0], [53.5, 134.0], [107.0, 46.0], [119.5, 50.5], [97.0, 54.0], [97.0, 58.5], [107.0, 46.0], [97.0, 54.0], [150.5, 377.0], [158.0, 387.0], [257.5, 367.5], [270.5, 373.5], [249.0, 372.5], [257.5, 367.5], [280.0, 349.5], [282.5, 340.0], [280.0, 349.5], [283.0, 356.0], [239.5, 90.0], [238.5, 98.0], [238.5, 108.5], [238.5, 98.0], [130.0, 49.0], [119.5, 50.5], [189.0, 65.0], [191.0, 64.5], [189.0, 65.0], [177.0, 62.5], [170.0, 59.0], [177.0, 62.5], [256.0, 132.5], [257.5, 139.5], [128.0, 361.5], [127.5, 360.0], [136.5, 382.5], [131.5, 378.5], [126.5, 370.0], [131.5, 378.5], [128.0, 361.5], [126.5, 370.0], [105.5, 343.5], [101.0, 324.5], [105.5, 343.5], [121.5, 347.5], [126.0, 353.0], [127.5, 360.0], [121.5, 347.5], [126.0, 353.0], [191.0, 64.5], [198.5, 72.0], [237.5, 83.5], [239.5, 90.0], [145.5, 49.0], [138.5, 49.0], [159.0, 57.0], [162.0, 57.5], [145.5, 49.0], [159.0, 57.0], [265.0, 229.5], [254.5, 220.0], [253.0, 216.5], [254.5, 220.0], [253.0, 216.5], [248.0, 208.5], [248.0, 208.5], [239.5, 204.5], [245.0, 173.5], [245.5, 178.0], [250.0, 158.0], [245.0, 173.5], [257.5, 139.5], [250.0, 158.0], [177.0, 396.5], [181.0, 395.5], [181.0, 395.5], [189.5, 400.5], [147.0, 377.0], [150.5, 377.0], [140.5, 381.5], [147.0, 377.0], [140.5, 381.5], [136.5, 382.5], [92.5, 313.5], [101.0, 324.5], [99.5, 290.0], [92.5, 313.5], [98.0, 271.0], [99.5, 290.0], [134.5, 47.5], [130.0, 49.0], [134.5, 47.5], [138.5, 49.0], [73.0, 222.5], [71.0, 214.5], [107.5, 246.0], [110.5, 248.0], [104.0, 266.5], [98.0, 271.0], [69.0, 209.5], [71.0, 214.5], [226.5, 87.0], [237.5, 83.5], [226.5, 87.0], [205.5, 94.5], [205.5, 94.5], [205.5, 77.5], [198.5, 72.0], [205.5, 77.5], [96.5, 244.5], [107.5, 246.0], [109.0, 265.5], [104.0, 266.5], [108.0, 263.5], [110.5, 248.0], [109.0, 265.5], [108.0, 263.5], [65.0, 205.5], [69.0, 209.5], [57.0, 198.0], [56.0, 201.5], [65.0, 205.5], [56.0, 201.5], [90.0, 240.0], [96.5, 244.5], [83.0, 224.0], [73.0, 222.5], [90.5, 231.5], [83.0, 224.0], [90.0, 240.0], [90.5, 231.5]]
midpoints = sort_points(midpoints)

x_list = [ p[0] for p in midpoints ]
y_list = [ p[1] for p in midpoints ]
complexmdpts = [ [p[0]+1j*p[1]] for p in midpoints ]

plt.scatter(x_list, y_list, s=50, marker="x", color='y') 

coefs = scipy.fft(complexmdpts,axis=0)
n = len(coefs)
print("coeffs[{}]:\n{}".format(n, coefs[:5]))

# function in terms of t to trace out curve
m = n
def f(t):
    for i in range(-int(m/2), int(m/2)+1):
    return [ftx/n, fty/n]

lines = [] # store computed lines segments to approximate function

pft = f(0) # compute first point

t_list = np.linspace(0, n, n) # compute list of dts to use when drawing

for t in t_list: 
    cft = f(t)
    pft = cft

#draw f(t) approximation
lc = mc.LineCollection(lines)
fig, ax = pl.subplots()
于 2021-04-03T19:51:45.097 回答