我为字符串“a”创建了 Collat​​ionKey,然后使用 toByteArray() 方法将 Collat​​ionKey 转换为位序列。之后我使用 Arrays.toString() 来显示这个 byte[] 数组,我得到一个我不明白的输出。我想我会得到以位表示的字符串。如何解释输出?谢谢你

package myPackage9;

import java.text.CollationKey;
import java.text.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class collatorClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {   
        Collator myCollator = Collator.getInstance();
        CollationKey[] a = new CollationKey[1];
        a[0] = myCollator.getCollationKey("a");
        byte[] bytes= a[0].toByteArray();
output:  [0, 83, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]

1 回答 1


CollationKey是一个抽象类。您的具体类型很可能是RuleBasedCollationKey. 首先,我们看一下方法的JavaDoc

将 Collat​​ionKey 转换为位序列。如果可以合法地比较两个 Collat​​ionKey,那么可以比较每个键的字节数组以获得相同的结果。字节数组首先组织最重要的字节。



public byte[] toByteArray() {

    char[] src = key.toCharArray();
    byte[] dest = new byte[ 2*src.length ];
    int j = 0;
    for( int i=0; i<src.length; i++ ) {
        dest[j++] = (byte)(src[i] >>> 8);
        dest[j++] = (byte)(src[i] & 0x00ff);
    return dest;

是什么key?它作为第二个构造函数参数传入。构造函数被调用RuleBasedCollator#getCollationKey。源代码相当复杂,但该方法的 JavaDoc 指出:

将字符串转换为可以与 Collat​​ionKey.compareTo 进行比较的一系列字符。这会覆盖 java.text.Collat​​or.getCollat​​ionKey。它可以在子类中被覆盖。


// The basic algorithm here is to find all of the collation elements for each
// character in the source string, convert them to a char representation,
// and put them into the collation key.  But it's trickier than that.
// Each collation element in a string has three components: primary (A vs B),
// secondary (A vs A-acute), and tertiary (A' vs a); and a primary difference
// at the end of a string takes precedence over a secondary or tertiary
// difference earlier in the string.
// To account for this, we put all of the primary orders at the beginning of the
// string, followed by the secondary and tertiary orders, separated by nulls.


// Here's a hypothetical example, with the collation element represented as
// a three-digit number, one digit for primary, one for secondary, etc.
// String:              A     a     B   \u00e9 <--(e-acute)
// Collation Elements: 101   100   201  510
// Collation Key:      1125<null>0001<null>1010

因此,假设 aCollationKeytoByteArray()方法将返回与 aStringtoByteArray()方法相同的结果是完全错误的。


于 2021-03-22T18:49:15.977 回答