在 TDL 中,它将是如下代码:

[#Part: Company F11 Features Right] 
    Add:Part:Company F11 SMS Features
[Part: Company F11 SMS Features]
    Use     : Cfg Part Content Template
    Local   : Line  : Cfg PartTitle         : Invisible : NOT ##CmpShowMoreConfig
    Local   : Field : Cfg PartTitle         : Set as    : $$LocaleString:"SMS Features"
    Local   : Part  : Cfg PartContent       : Add       : Lines   : Cmp SMS EnableConfiguration ,Cmp Enter SMS Configuration

[Line: Cmp SMS EnableConfiguration]
      Fields    : Long Prompt, CmpSMSEnable
      Local : Field : Long Prompt : Info    : $$LocaleString:"Enable SMS Feature to send SMS ?"
      Local: Field : Long Prompt: Color : Blue
      Local     : Field : Default   : On : Focus : Yes : Set : SVERPFeatureDesc : + 
      "Enable this Feature to Yes" + $$NewLine + "It is useful to send SMS directly from Tally by entering Number and Message"
      Space Top   : 0.5
            [Field  : CmpSMSEnable]
                Use : Logical Field
                Storage : CmpSMSFeatureOn
                SubForm : RiceMillSMS : $$Value = Yes

[Line: Cmp Enter SMS Configuration]
        Fields  : Long Prompt, Want to enter SMS Configuration
        Local   : Field : Long Prompt : Info    : $$LocaleString:"Want to enter SMS Configuration ?"
        Invisible   : NOT $IsAccountingOn
        Space Top   : 0.15
                    [Field: Want to enter SMS Configuration]
                        Use         : Logical Field
                        Set as  : Yes
                        SubForm     : RiceMillSMSSettings : $$Value = Yes
                        Inactive    : Not #CmpSMSEnable

我已经使用此代码标记 ERP 9 正常工作,但使用标记素然后制表符无法正常工作。请给我答案


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