My project is pretty simple. i want a standard ear-project which supports slf4j with logback as implementation. my main problem is, that the config file is not used and i get debug info printed out to the console from xerces. There is a major classpath problem with ear files i think, because the project as war runs fine. i have already put the logback.xml to every root dir, but it does not work. I had also had the problem that the hibernate.cfg.xml file could not be found. could anyone give me a tip or even provide a sample ear? I am using GF 3.1.1
1169 次
1 回答
我相信对于 WAR 和 EJB,如果您不需要更轻松地访问它们,配置文件应该位于它们各自 jar 的 META-INF 中。
如果您需要更轻松地访问它们,则该解决方案依赖于应用服务器。在您的情况下,请查看GlassFish 类加载器层次结构文档中表中的“应用程序”条目。我不是玻璃渔夫,所以我只能向您指出文档。
于 2011-07-13T18:03:50.773 回答