使用以下 MWE:

import controlP5.*;
import java.util.*;

ControlP5 cp5;

void setup() {
  size(400, 400);
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
  List l = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h");
  /* add a ScrollableList, by default it behaves like a DropdownList */
     .setPosition(100, 100)
     .setSize(200, 100)
     // .setType(ScrollableList.LIST) // currently supported DROPDOWN and LIST

void draw() {

如何分别更改每个列表条目的字体颜色?我假设我将不得不使用类似以下的 for 循环

    for (int i =0; i < myarray.length; i++){

其中 elementDetermine() 接受一个整数并返回一个颜色。不幸的是,当我在 setup 或 draw 函数中运行此循环时,下拉列表不会更改而不会出现错误消息。


1 回答 1





如果你真的需要改变字体颜色,你可以,但这将是相当多的 OOP 箍要跳过(因为Label每个项目没有实例数组):

  • 你需要自定义ControllerView< ScrollableList >来覆盖它的display()方法
  • 为了使自定义display()与原始 ScrollableList 工作相同,您需要几乎复制超类
  • ScrollableList类有一堆私有属性,可以很容易地从ScrollableListView类中访问,因为它是 的一部分ScrollableList,但是在我们的例子中,所有需要访问的private/protected属性都需要display()访问。为此,实现了一个ScrollableListPopUpScrollableListprivateprotecteddisplay()


import controlP5.*;
// used by the custom scrollable list view
import static controlP5.ControlP5.b;

import java.util.*;

ControlP5 cp5;

void setup() {
  size(400, 400);
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
  List l = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h");
  /* add a custom ScrollableList, by default it behaves like a DropdownList */
  PopUpScrollableList dropdown = addPopUpScrollableList("dropdown");
  dropdown.setPosition(100, 100)
     .setSize(200, 100)
     // .setType(ScrollableList.LIST) // currently supported DROPDOWN and LIST
  // a list of (random) colourr: a colour per item
  color[] textColors = new color[l.size()];
  for(int i = 0 ; i < textColors.length; i++){
    textColors[i] = color(255, random(255), random(255), random(255));
  // set custom text colours: this is a bit hacky: normally you'd check if items.size() matches textColors.length, etc. 
  dropdown.textColors = textColors;
  // set a custom view for the list

void draw() {

// simply adds our custom scrollable list
PopUpScrollableList addPopUpScrollableList( final String theName ) {
  PopUpScrollableList myController = new PopUpScrollableList(cp5, theName);
  return myController;

ControllerView< ScrollableList > makeCustomScrollListView(){
  // make an custom scrollable list view on the fly and access the fileds it needs
  return new ControllerView< ScrollableList >() {
          // tweaked version of https://github.com/sojamo/controlp5/blob/1f7cb649865eb8657495b5cfeddd0dbe85d70cac/src/controlP5/ScrollableList.java#L391
          public void display( PGraphics g , ScrollableList c ) {

            // setHeight( -200 ); /* UP */
            PopUpScrollableList d = (PopUpScrollableList)c;
            g.noStroke( );
            if ( c.isBarVisible( ) ) {
              boolean b = d.itemHover() == -1 && d.isInside() && !d.isDragged();
              g.fill( b ? c.getColor( ).getForeground( ) : c.getColor( ).getBackground( ) );
              g.rect( 0 , 0 , c.getWidth( ) , c.getBarHeight() );
              g.pushMatrix( );
              g.translate( c.getWidth( ) - 8 , c.getBarHeight() / 2 - 2 );
              g.fill( c.getColor( ).getCaptionLabel( ) );
              if ( c.isOpen( ) ) {
                g.triangle( -3 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 0 , 3 );
              } else {
                g.triangle( -3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 0 , 0 );
              g.popMatrix( );
              c.getCaptionLabel( ).draw( g , 4 , c.getBarHeight() / 2 );
            if ( c.isOpen( ) ) {
              int bar = ( c.isBarVisible( ) ? c.getBarHeight() : 0 );
              int h = ( ( d.updateHeight( ) ) );
              g.pushMatrix( );
              // g.translate( 0 , - ( h + bar +
              // c.itemSpacing ) ); /* UP */
              g.fill( c.getBackgroundColor( ) );
              g.rect( 0 , bar , c.getWidth( ) , h );
              g.pushMatrix( );
              g.translate( 0 , ( bar == 0 ? 0 : ( c.getBarHeight() + d.itemSpacing() ) ) );
              /* draw visible items */
              c.updateItemIndexOffset( );
              int m0 = d.itemIndexOffset;
              List items = c.getItems();
              int m1 = items.size( ) > d.itemRange() ? ( d.itemIndexOffset + d.itemRange() ) : items.size( );
              for ( int i = m0 ; i < m1 ; i++ ) {
                Map< String , Object > item = (Map< String , Object >) items.get( i );
                CColor itemColor = ( CColor ) item.get( "color" );
                g.fill( ( b( item.get( "state" ) ) ) ? itemColor.getActive( ) : ( i == d.itemHover() ) ? ( c.isMousePressed() ? itemColor.getActive( ) : itemColor.getForeground( ) ) : itemColor.getBackground( ) );
                float boxY = d.itemHeight() - 1;
                g.rect( 0 , 0 , c.getWidth( ) , boxY );
                Label label = c.getValueLabel( );
                // finally set custom text colour
                if(d.textColors != null){ 
                label.set( item.get( "text" ).toString( ) ).draw( g , 4 , d.itemHeight() / 2 );
                g.translate( 0 , d.itemHeight() );
              g.popMatrix( );
              if ( c.isInside() ) {
                int m = items.size( ) - d.itemRange();
                if ( m > 0 ) {
                  g.fill( c.getColor( ).getCaptionLabel( ) );
                  g.pushMatrix( );
                  int s = 4; /* spacing */
                  int s2 = s / 2;
                  g.translate( c.getWidth( ) - s , c.getBarHeight() );
                  int len = ( int ) PApplet.map( ( float ) Math.log( m * 10 ) , 0 , 10 , h , 0 );
                  int pos = ( int ) ( PApplet.map( d.itemIndexOffset , 0 , m , s2 , h - len - s2 ) );
                  g.rect( 0 , pos , s2 , len );
                  g.popMatrix( );
              g.popMatrix( );


// a custom ScrollableList subclass: mainly it needs to expose properties the custom view (via setView()) can't access in display()
class PopUpScrollableList extends ScrollableList{
  private int itemIndexOffset = 0;
  private int _myType = DROPDOWN;
  protected boolean isOpen = true;
  public color[] textColors;
  PopUpScrollableList(ControlP5 cp5, String name){
    super(cp5, name);
    println("custom PopUpScrollableList named " + name + " constructed");
  public boolean isOpen( ) {
    return isOpen;

  public ScrollableList open( ) {
    return setOpen( true );

  public ScrollableList close( ) {
    return setOpen( false );

  public ScrollableList setOpen( boolean b ) {
    isOpen = b;
    return this;
  public int itemHover(){
    return itemHover;
  public int itemSpacing(){
    return 1;
  public int itemRange(){
    return itemRange;
  public int itemHeight(){
    return itemHeight;
  public boolean isInside(){
    return isInside;
  public boolean isDragged(){
    return isDragged;
  public int barHeight(){
    return barHeight;
  protected int updateHeight( ) {
    itemRange = ( PApplet.abs( getHeight( ) ) - ( isBarVisible( ) ? barHeight : 0 ) ) / itemHeight;
    return itemHeight * ( items.size( ) < itemRange ? items.size( ) : itemRange );
  public List< Map< String , Object > > items(){
    return items;
  @Override protected void onRelease( ) {
    if ( !isDragged ) {
      if ( getPointer( ).y( ) >= 0 && getPointer( ).y( ) <= barHeight ) {
        setOpen( !isOpen( ) );
      } else if ( isOpen ) {

        double n = Math.floor( ( getPointer( ).y( ) - barHeight ) / itemHeight );

        // n += itemRange; /* UP */
        int index = ( int ) n + itemIndexOffset;
        updateIndex( index );

  private void updateIndex( int theIndex ) {
    if ( theIndex >= items.size( ) ) {

    Map m = items.get( theIndex );

    switch ( _myType ) {
    case ( LIST ):
      super.setValue( theIndex );
      for ( Object o : items ) {
        ( ( Map ) o ).put( "state" , false );
      m.put( "state" , !ControlP5.b( m.get( "state" ) ) );
    case ( DROPDOWN ):
      super.setValue( theIndex );
      setOpen( false );
      getCaptionLabel( ).setText( ( m.get( "text" ).toString( ) ) );
    case ( CHECKBOX ):
      m.put( "state" , !ControlP5.b( m.get( "state" ) ) );


  public ScrollableList setValue( float theValue ) {
    updateIndex( ( int ) ( theValue ) );
    return this;
  @Override protected void onDrag( ) {
    scroll( getPointer( ).dy( ) );

  @Override protected void onScroll( int theValue ) {
    scroll( theValue );

  private void scroll( int theValue ) {
    if ( isOpen() ) {
      itemIndexOffset += theValue;
      itemIndexOffset = ( int ) ( Math.floor( Math.max( 0 , Math.min( itemIndexOffset , items.size( ) - itemRange ) ) ) );
      itemHover = -2;
  @Override protected void onLeave( ) {
    itemHover = -1;
  @Override protected void onEnter( ) {
    updateHover( );

  @Override protected void onMove( ) {
    updateHover( );

  @Override protected void onEndDrag( ) {
    updateHover( );
  private void updateHover( ) {
    if ( getPointer( ).y( ) > barHeight ) {
      double n = Math.floor( ( getPointer( ).y( ) - barHeight ) / itemHeight );
      itemHover = ( int ) ( itemIndexOffset + n );
    } else {
      itemHover = -1;
  public void updateItemIndexOffset( ) {
    int m1 = items.size( ) > itemRange ? ( itemIndexOffset + itemRange ) : items.size( );
    int n = ( m1 - items.size( ) );
    if ( n >= 0 ) {
      itemIndexOffset -= n;

controlp5 可滚动列表每个项目的自定义字体颜色

于 2021-03-19T21:35:45.743 回答