使用文档中的这个 MWE:

import controlP5.*;
import java.util.*;

ControlP5 cp5;

void setup() {
  size(400, 400);
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
  List l = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h");
  /* add a ScrollableList, by default it behaves like a DropdownList */
     .setPosition(100, 100)
     .setSize(200, 100)
     // .setType(ScrollableList.LIST) // currently supported DROPDOWN and LIST

void draw() {



1 回答 1


由于 ControlP5 对 Java 泛型继承的使用实际上是相当棘手的,在这种情况下应该重写ScrollableListView's方法:display()

  • ScrollableList extends Controller< ScrollableList >
  • 在java中,一个类可以子类化一个类,而不是多个,因此自定义的子类PopUpScrollableList会继承Controller< ScrollableList >,而不是Controller< PopUpScrollableList >
  • ScrollableListView在's中访问了一堆属性,它们display()属于或ScrollableListprivateprotected

TLDR; @laancelot 建议克隆库,直接修改ScrollableListView'display()方法并重新编译库听起来像子类化与自定义滚动列表相比更容易的选择。

话虽这么说,设置 IDE 和编译 java 库对于初学者来说可能不是最友好的事情,因此我可以推荐一个 hacky 解决方法:只需移动列表的 y 位置,使其看起来在上方而不是波纹管:

import controlP5.*;
import java.util.*;

ControlP5 cp5;

ScrollableList list;
int listX = 100;
int listY = 100;
int listWidth = 200;
int listHeight = 100;
int barHeight = 20;

void setup() {
  size(400, 400);
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
  List l = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h");
  /* add a ScrollableList, by default it behaves like a DropdownList */
  list = cp5.addScrollableList("dropdown")
     .setPosition(listX, listY)
     .setSize(listWidth, listHeight)
     // .setType(ScrollableList.LIST) // currently supported DROPDOWN and LIST

void draw() {
  // hack: shift the list up when it's open
    list.setPosition(listX, listY - listHeight + barHeight);
    list.setPosition(listX, listY);

controlp5 弹出列表

它在视觉上并不完美,可能是一种潜在的用户体验,但它是使用 ControlP5 进行这种自定义行为的最简单的选择。

或者,值得考虑自定义不同的 UI 库或编写自定义列表。

为了争论,这里是来自Guido 库的列表示例的修改版本:

 *    A list
 *    Make sure to try your scroll wheel!

import de.bezier.guido.*;

Listbox listbox;
SimpleButton button;
Object lastItemClicked;

void setup ()
    size(400, 400);
    // make the manager
    Interactive.make( this );
    // create a list box
    listbox = new Listbox( 20, 30, width-40, height-80 );
    for ( int i = 0, r = int(10+random(100)); i < r; i++ )
        listbox.addItem( "Item " + i );
    listbox.visible = false;
    // create button
    button = new SimpleButton("pop-up list", 20, 350, width-40, 24 );

void draw ()
    background( 20 );
    listbox.visible = button.on;
    if ( lastItemClicked != null )
        fill( 255 );
        text( "Clicked " + lastItemClicked.toString(), 30, 20 );

public void itemClicked ( int i, Object item )
    lastItemClicked = item;

public class Listbox
    float x, y, width, height;
    ArrayList items;
    int itemHeight = 20;
    int listStartAt = 0;
    int hoverItem = -1;
    float valueY = 0;
    boolean hasSlider = false;
    boolean visible = true;
    Listbox ( float xx, float yy, float ww, float hh ) 
        x = xx; y = yy;
        valueY = y;
        width = ww; height = hh;
        // register it
        Interactive.add( this );
    public void addItem ( String item )
        if ( items == null ) items = new ArrayList();
        items.add( item );
        hasSlider = items.size() * itemHeight > height;
    public void mouseMoved ( float mx, float my )
        if ( hasSlider && mx > width-20 ) return;
        hoverItem = listStartAt + int((my-y) / itemHeight);
    public void mouseExited ( float mx, float my )
        hoverItem = -1;
    // called from manager
    void mouseDragged ( float mx, float my )
        if ( !hasSlider ) return;
        if ( mx < x+width-20 ) return;
        valueY = my-10;
        valueY = constrain( valueY, y, y+height-20 );
    // called from manager
    void mouseScrolled ( float step )
        valueY += step;
        valueY = constrain( valueY, y, y+height-20 );
    void update ()
        float totalHeight = items.size() * itemHeight;
        float itemsInView = height / itemHeight;
        float listOffset = map( valueY, y, y+height-20, 0, totalHeight-height );
        listStartAt = int( listOffset / itemHeight );
    public void mousePressed ( float mx, float my )
        if ( hasSlider && mx > width-20 ) return;
        int item = listStartAt + int( (my-y) / itemHeight);
        itemClicked( item, items.get(item) );

    void draw ()
        fill( 100 );
        rect( x,y,this.width,this.height );
        if ( items != null )
            for ( int i = 0; i < int(height/itemHeight) && i < items.size(); i++ )
                stroke( 80 );
                fill( (i+listStartAt) == hoverItem ? 200 : 120 );
                rect( x, y + (i*itemHeight), this.width, itemHeight );
                fill( 0 );
                text( items.get(i+listStartAt).toString(), x+5, y+(i+1)*itemHeight-5 );
        if ( hasSlider )
            stroke( 80 );
            fill( 100 );
            rect( x+width-20, y, 20, height );
            fill( 120 );
            rect( x+width-20, valueY, 20, 20 );

public class SimpleButton
    float x, y, width, height;
    boolean on;
    String label = "";
    SimpleButton ( float xx, float yy, float w, float h )
        x = xx; y = yy; width = w; height = h;
        Interactive.add( this ); // register it with the manager
    SimpleButton ( String label, float xx, float yy, float w, float h )
      this(xx, yy, w, h);
      this.label = label;
    // called by manager
    void mousePressed () 
        on = !on;

    void draw () 
        if ( on ) fill( 200 );
        else fill( 100 );
        rect(x, y, width, height);
        if ( on ) fill( 100 );
        else fill( 200 );
        text(label, x + 10, y + this.height * 0.65);


代码在草图中更加冗长,但可以移动到单独的 GUI 选项卡。希望因为它更简单,所以可以比 ControlP5 更容易地操作自定义行为。

于 2021-03-17T00:44:32.343 回答