我有一个带有服务和一个特征的自定义蓝牙外围设备,它需要一个值。在 Android 上运行良好,但在 iPhone 上只能连接,但在我使用的任何蓝牙工具应用程序(nRF、LightBlue ......)中都没有显示该特性

我们使用自定义 UUID,这对 Apple 来说是个问题吗?


#include <Arduino.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bsp.h"
#include "mg_api.h"

#include "mg126_ble_item.h"

/// Characteristic Properties Bit
#define ATT_CHAR_PROP_RD                            0x02
#define ATT_CHAR_PROP_W_NORSP                       0x04
#define ATT_CHAR_PROP_W                             0x08
#define ATT_CHAR_PROP_NTF                           0x10
#define ATT_CHAR_PROP_IND                           0x20
#define GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE_UUID                   0x2800

#define TYPE_CHAR                 0x2803
#define TYPE_CFG                  0x2902
#define TYPE_INFO                 0x2901
#define TYPE_xRpRef               0x2907
#define TYPE_RpRef                0x2908
#define TYPE_INC                  0x2802
#define UUID16_FORMAT             0xff

// ===== Device Information Service =====
#define SOFTWARE_INFO "v1.6"
#define MANU_INFO     "FREXIT"
// ======================================

// ===== GAP =====
char DeviceInfo[9] =  "Spionglas";  /*max len is 24 bytes*/
// ===============

// ===== Item Service =====
char itemCharacteristicUserDescription[18] = "Show item solution";
byte cccd[2] = { 0, 0 };
// Format:1, Exponent:1, Unit:2, NameSpace:1, Description:2
byte itemCharacteristicPresentationFormat[7] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x27};

uint16_t cur_notifyhandle = 0x21;

uint8_t* getDeviceInfoData(uint8_t* len)
  *len = sizeof(DeviceInfo);
  return (uint8_t*)DeviceInfo;

void updateDeviceInfoData(uint8_t* name, uint8_t len)
  memcpy(DeviceInfo, name, len);
  ble_set_name(name, len);


  01 - 06  GAP (Primary service) 0x1800
  03:04  name
  07 - 0f  Device Info (Primary service) 0x180a
  0a:0b  firmware version
  0e:0f  software version
  10 - 19  LED service (Primary service) 6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E
  11:12  6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E(0x04)  RxNotify
  13     cfg
  14:15  6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E(0x0C)  Tx
  16     cfg
  17:18  6E400004-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E(0x0A)  BaudRate
  19     0x2901  info

typedef struct ble_character16 {
  uint16_t type16;          //type2
  uint16_t handle_rec;      //handle
  uint8_t  characterInfo[5];//property1 - handle2 - uuid2
  uint8_t  uuid128_idx;     //0xff means uuid16,other is idx of uuid128

typedef struct ble_UUID128 {
  uint8_t  uuid128[16];//uuid128 string: little endian
} BLE_UUID128;

// STEP 0: Character declare
const BLE_CHAR AttCharList[] = {
  // =====  GATT ===== DO NOT CHANGE!
  {TYPE_CHAR, 0x0003, {ATT_CHAR_PROP_RD, 0x04, 0, 0x00, 0x2a}, UUID16_FORMAT}, //name
  //05-06 reserved

  // ===== Device Information Service Characteristics ===== DO NOT CHANGE!
  {TYPE_CHAR, 0x0008, {ATT_CHAR_PROP_RD, 0x09, 0, 0x29, 0x2a}, UUID16_FORMAT}, //manufacture
  {TYPE_CHAR, 0x000a, {ATT_CHAR_PROP_RD, 0x0b, 0, 0x26, 0x2a}, UUID16_FORMAT}, //firmware version
  {TYPE_CHAR, 0x000e, {ATT_CHAR_PROP_RD, 0x0f, 0, 0x28, 0x2a}, UUID16_FORMAT}, //sw version

  // ===== Item Service Characteristics =====
  {TYPE_CHAR, 0x11, {ATT_CHAR_PROP_RD | ATT_CHAR_PROP_W | ATT_CHAR_PROP_W_NORSP | ATT_CHAR_PROP_NTF | ATT_CHAR_PROP_IND, 0x12, 0, 0, 0 },1}, // Characteristic
  {TYPE_CFG,  0x13, {ATT_CHAR_PROP_RD|ATT_CHAR_PROP_W}},                                           // Client Characteristic Configuration
  {TYPE_INFO, 0x14},                                                                              // Characteristic User Description

// List of 128-bit UUIDs
const BLE_UUID128 AttUuid128List[] = {
  {0x8f, 0x2e, 0x78, 0x51, 0xba, 0xfb, 0x95, 0xb9, 0xca, 0x41, 0x28, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe2, 0xcc},
  {0x8f, 0x2e, 0x78, 0x51, 0xba, 0xfb, 0x95, 0xb9, 0xca, 0x41, 0x28, 0x3f, 0x01, 0x00, 0xe2, 0xcc},

uint8_t GetCharListDim(void)
  return sizeof(AttCharList) / sizeof(AttCharList[0]);

// STEP 1: Service declare
void att_server_rdByGrType( uint8_t pdu_type, uint8_t attOpcode, uint16_t st_hd, uint16_t end_hd, uint16_t att_type )
  // GAP and GATT (start handle 0x01)
  if ((att_type == GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE_UUID) && (st_hd == 1)) //hard code for device info service
    //GAP Device Name
    uint8_t t[] = {0x00, 0x18};
    att_server_rdByGrTypeRspPrimaryService(pdu_type, 0x1, 0x6, (uint8_t*)(t), 2);
  // Device Info Service (start handle 0x07)
  else if ((att_type == GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE_UUID) && (st_hd <= 0x07))
    uint8_t t[] = {0xa, 0x18};
    att_server_rdByGrTypeRspPrimaryService(pdu_type, 0x7, 0xf, (uint8_t*)(t), 2);
  // Item Service (start handle 0x20 (??) )
  else if ((att_type == GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE_UUID) && (st_hd <= 0x10))
    att_server_rdByGrTypeRspPrimaryService(pdu_type, 0x10, 0x19, (uint8_t*)(AttUuid128List[0].uuid128), 16);

  ///error handle
  att_notFd( pdu_type, attOpcode, st_hd );

// STEP 2: data coming
// write response
void ser_write_rsp(uint8_t pdu_type/*reserved*/, uint8_t attOpcode/*reserved*/,
                   uint16_t att_hd, uint8_t* attValue/*app data pointer*/, uint8_t valueLen_w/*app data size*/)
  switch (att_hd)
    case 0x12:
      // copy the first byte of written data into the item characteristic value
      memcpy(&itemCharacteristicValue, attValue, 1);
      bItemCharacteristicValueChanged = true;
      ser_write_rsp_pkt(pdu_type);  /*if the related character has the property of WRITE(with response) or TYPE_CFG, one MUST invoke this func*/
    case 0x13:
      // write to the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor
      memcpy(&cccd, attValue, 2);
      att_notFd(pdu_type, attOpcode, att_hd );  /*the default response, also for the purpose of error robust */

// STEP 3: Read data
// read response
void server_rd_rsp(uint8_t attOpcode, uint16_t attHandle, uint8_t pdu_type)
  uint8_t  d_len;
  uint8_t* ble_name = getDeviceInfoData(&d_len);

  switch (attHandle) // hard code
    case 0x04: // GAP name
      att_server_rd( pdu_type, attOpcode, attHandle, ble_name, d_len);

    case 0x09: // MANU_INFO
      att_server_rd( pdu_type, attOpcode, attHandle, (uint8_t*)(MANU_INFO), sizeof(MANU_INFO) - 1);

    case 0x0b: // FIRMWARE_INFO
      att_server_rd(pdu_type, attOpcode, attHandle, GetFirmwareInfo(), strlen((const char*)GetFirmwareInfo()));

    case 0x0f:  // SOFTWARE_INFO
      att_server_rd(pdu_type, attOpcode, attHandle, (uint8_t*)(SOFTWARE_INFO), sizeof(SOFTWARE_INFO) - 1);

    case 0x12:  // Item Characteristic Value
      att_server_rd(pdu_type, attOpcode, attHandle, &itemCharacteristicValue, 1);

    case 0x13:  // Item Client Characteristic Configuration
        att_server_rd(pdu_type, attOpcode, attHandle, cccd, 2);

    case 0x14:  // Item Characteristic User Description
      att_server_rd(pdu_type, attOpcode, attHandle, (uint8_t*) itemCharacteristicUserDescription, sizeof(itemCharacteristicUserDescription));
    case 0x15: // Item Characteristic Presentation Format
      att_server_rd(pdu_type, attOpcode, attHandle, (uint8_t*)itemCharacteristicPresentationFormat, sizeof(itemCharacteristicPresentationFormat));

      att_notFd( pdu_type, attOpcode, attHandle );/*the default response, also for the purpose of error robust */

void ser_prepare_write(unsigned short handle, unsigned char* attValue, unsigned short attValueLen, unsigned short att_offset) {


void ser_execute_write(void) {


void server_blob_rd_rsp(uint8_t attOpcode, uint16_t attHandle, uint8_t dataHdrP, uint16_t offset)

//return 1 means found
int GetPrimaryServiceHandle(unsigned short hd_start, unsigned short hd_end,
                            unsigned short uuid16,
                            unsigned short* hd_start_r, unsigned short* hd_end_r)
  return 0;

void gatt_user_send_notify_data_callback(void)


uint8_t* getsoftwareversion(void)
  return (uint8_t*)SOFTWARE_INFO;

static unsigned char gConnectedFlag = 0;

char GetConnectedStatus(void)
  return gConnectedFlag;

void ConnectStausUpdate(unsigned char IsConnectedFlag) //porting api

  if (IsConnectedFlag != gConnectedFlag)
    gConnectedFlag = IsConnectedFlag;

void UsrProcCallback(void) //porting api

unsigned char aes_encrypt_HW(unsigned char *_data, unsigned char *_key)
  return 0;

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