I tried using extendtype in my project because all my files are not in a single folder, so for me to able to interact with them all I use extendType. But in the long run, i encounter an error that I can't fix at the moment.

Here is the error:

error:Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.

here is my data model

and after implementing it to my post file i created an error pop-out

Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.


1 回答 1


首先感谢您试用 Nexus .. 看来您有多个查询,因此您正在扩展“查询”,这似乎是一个 VScode 问题,没有按时读取新生成的类型,或者您没有得到任何东西对,所以。尝试这个

  • 重新加载您的工作区
  • 尝试更改t.nonNull.int("id")t.int("id")如果问题消失了,那么您很幸运,但是由于您没有编写模型,因此您需要做这样的事情

//... your nexus definition before here
       t.list.field("posts", {
            type: "Post",
              postId: intArg()
            resolve(parent, { postId }, ctx) {
                return ctx.prisma.post.findMany()


其次,nexus你用的是什么版本的?t.nonNull是最近推出的,可能是罪魁祸首,但你的 Prisma 模型很好

于 2021-03-14T08:52:22.517 回答