我正在尝试通过自己的 JSON 搜索后端来实现。

在 ML Kit 中,搜索引擎使用 Volley 来处理请求。



    workflowModel?.detectedBarcode?.observe(this, Observer { barcode ->
        if (barcode != null) {
            val barcodeFieldList = ArrayList<BarcodeField>()
            barcodeFieldList.add(BarcodeField("Raw Value", barcode.rawValue ?: ""))
            searchEngine!!.search(barcode) { productList, product ->
                workflowModel?.onSearchCompletedV2(product, productList)


class SearchEngine(context: Context) {

private val searchRequestQueue: RequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context)
private val requestCreationExecutor: ExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()

fun search(
        barcode: Barcode,
        listener: (productList: List<Product>, product: Product) -> Unit
) {
    Tasks.call<JsonObjectRequest>(requestCreationExecutor, Callable { createRequest(barcode) })
        .addOnSuccessListener { productRequest ->
             //Planning to map the JSON request data to the product object and add to the productList
            val product = Gson().fromJson(productRequest, Product::class.java) // None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied.
            listener.invoke(barcode, product)
        .addOnFailureListener { e ->
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to create product search request!", e)

fun shutdown() {

companion object {
    private const val TAG = "SearchEngine"
    var url = "REQUEST URL"

    private fun createRequest(barcode: Barcode): JsonObjectRequest {
        // Hooks up with your own product search backend here.
        return JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, null,
                { response ->
                    print("JSON request was a success$response")
                { error ->
                    throw Exception("Failed to get product!$error")


我得到“不能使用提供的参数调用以下函数。” 当我试图从 JsonObjectRequest 转换为 Product 对象时。

data class Product internal constructor(val imageUrl: String, val title: String, val subtitle: String)

这是我试图将 JSON 数据从我的请求映射到的 Product 对象。


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