因此,每次触发“mouseOver”时,我都会为触发事件的 html 元素运行tippy(target, ...),从而生成一个新的tippy 实例。当鼠标离开元素时,我使用“onUntrigger”事件销毁tippy实例。
因为我有“交互式”,如果鼠标只离开 html 元素一点点(小于 interactiveBorder 大小)并返回到元素上,则会创建一个新的tippy 实例。当我们永远离开元素时,实例被销毁,但不知何故其中一个 popper-instances 没有被销毁。下次当鼠标移过该元素并显示工具提示时,我可以在开发人员工具/元素中看到有两个带有 data-tippy-root 指令的 DIV 元素。
这是将 Tippy 与大量 HTML 元素一起使用的正确方法吗?
private tooltipEl: HTMLElement; // a DIV that contains an Angular component that has @Input('data') data: IData
private tippyInstances: Instance[];
public data: IData;
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.tooltipEl = document.querySelector("#tooltip");
private instantiateTippy = (target: string) => {
this.tippyInstances = tippy(target, {
content: this.tooltipEl,
theme: "light-border",
arrow: true,
interactive: true,
interactiveBorder: 10,
onUntrigger: this.onUntrigger,
private onUntrigger = () => {
private destroyInstances = () => {
this.tippyInstances.forEach(instance => instance.destroy());
this.tippyInstances = undefined;
public onMouseOver1 = () => {
this.data = this.dataCollection[1];
public onMouseOver = () => {
this.data = this.dataCollection[2];