I am working on evaluation methods in online social communities, and I need real-word data to apply my algorithms on. What I exactly need is some records that shows the votes that users have given to each other in a social network, forum, Q&A community, etc. I need VoterID, VoteeID, Time and Vote Value. I downloaded a datadump of stackoverflow and extracted data from them. The problem here is that the votes files does not contain voterID (exepting for VoteTypeID=5). Can anyone help me find such a dataset? Thanks


2 回答 2


OR you can find out on Stackoverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6660607/how-to-calculate-the-site-value)

于 2011-07-12T07:13:25.747 回答

I found myself some very good resources here : http://snap.stanford.edu/data/index.html in the web site of SNAP project in Stanford university.

Maybe useful to others

于 2011-07-19T05:52:57.137 回答