
interface RgbColor {
  r: number;
  g: number;
  b: number;

function rgbToHex(r: RgbColor, g?: undefined, b?: undefined): string
function rgbToHex(r: number, g: number, b: number): string
function rgbToHex(r: number|RgbColor, g?: number, b?: number): string {
  if (r instanceof Object) {
    // must be RgbColor
    g = r.g;
    b = r.b;
    r = r.r;

  // A) r was an RgbColor and we've already set r, g, and b to numbers in the if block
  // B) we're meeting the second overload and r, g, and b are all numbers
  // either way we know they are all numbers now

  let rHex = r.toString(16);
  let gHex = g.toString(16); // ERROR: Object is possibly 'undefined'.
  let bHex = b.toString(16); // ERROR: Object is possibly 'undefined'.

  if (rHex.length == 1) rHex = "0" + rHex;
  if (gHex.length == 1) gHex = "0" + gHex;
  if (bHex.length == 1) bHex = "0" + bHex;

  return "#" + rHex + gHex + bHex;



function rgbToHex(r , g, b) {
  if (r instanceof Object) {
    g = r.g; 
    b = r.b; 
    r = r.r;

  let rHex = r.toString(16);
  let gHex = g.toString(16);
  let bHex = b.toString(16);

  if (rHex.length == 1) rHex = "0" + rHex;
  if (gHex.length == 1) gHex = "0" + gHex;
  if (bHex.length == 1) bHex = "0" + bHex;

  return "#" + rHex + gHex + bHex;

rgbToHex({ r: 120, g: 50, b: 5 }) // "#783205"
rgbToHex(120, 50, 5) // "#783205"

我的问题是如何设置函数签名,这样它就可以正常工作,而无需进行任何转换,也无需在函数体中设置任何冗余变量。即我想避免做let gVal: number = g || (r as any).g;.

另一种选择是将其拆分为两个函数并让一个调用另一个;但我不会用 javascript 来做这件事,所以我不得不用打字稿来做这件事似乎是错误的。




3 回答 3


问题是,变量gandb将始终是 type number | undefined,如果不声明新变量,就无法永久重新分配它们。

您有 4 个选项:

  1. 使用 Non-Null Assertion Operator !,意思是g.toString(16)你需要 write 而不是 write g!.toString(16),强制它是 type number。您也可以使用类型转换来解决它。
  2. 您可以将其分成多个函数,提取 rgb 变量,然后返回原始rgbToHex函数。
  3. 正如@Oblosys 的答案中提到的,您可以使用联合类型。
  4. 您可以在函数顶部创建一个新对象,在其中填充一个新RgbColor对象。
于 2021-03-11T14:32:27.527 回答

经过更多的谷歌搜索、阅读其他 SO 问题并浏览 typescript github 问题后,看起来这是 typescript 中尚未实现的功能。


// function definition for swapping between number and string types
function foo(bar: string): number // overload 1
function foo(bar: number): string // overload 2
function foo(bar: number | string): number|string 
{ ... }

const a = foo('string');
a.toPrecision(); // TS knows a is a number, so this has no errors

const b = foo(5);
b.toLowerCase(); // TS knows b is a string, so this has no errors

const c = Math.random() < .5 ? a : b; // TS knows c as string | number

// the actual implementation of an overloaded method does not count as 
// one of the possible overloads, so calling foo with a variable of type (string|number)
// is not valid
const d = foo(c); // error on parameter 'c': No overload matches this call.


function foo(bar: string): number // overload 1
function foo(bar: number): string // overload 2
function foo(bar: number | string): number | string {
  return bar; // this is valid, it clearly should not be



于 2021-05-14T12:00:34.650 回答


type Args = [rgb: RgbColor] | [r: number, g: number, b: number]

然后将其用作区分 union,其中数组长度是 TypeScript 将用于确定我们正在处理的 union 的哪些替代项的区分字段:

function rgbToHex(...args: Args): string {
  const [r,g,b] = args.length === 1
  ? [args[0].r, args[0].g, args[0].b] // args: [rgb: RgbColor]
  : args                              // args: [r: number, g: number, b: number]

  // From here on, `r`, `g`, & `b` all have type `number`

TypeScript 游乐场

于 2021-03-11T13:32:58.463 回答