我想在 word 文档中包含一个宽的 flextable,以便它出现在横向页面上。
officeverse 指南 ( https://ardata-fr.github.io/officeverse/index.html ) 包含有关如何在 Rmarkdown 中添加格式化段落或表格的示例。然而,它缺乏一个例子来说明如何解决纸张格式从纵向到横向的变化,然后再结合表格或图形返回。
# Appendix
## Timing
```{r, include=T}
tibble("Age of inclusion" = c("13 - 28"," ","20 - 28","22 - 28","24 - 28","26 - 28","28"),
"1" = c("Graffities","Purse snatching","Driving w/o permit","Illegal\nemployment","Ill. advantage\nover employer","False claims\n(insurance)","Paying for\nservice w/o bill"),
"2" = c("Scratching","Robbery","Hit and run","Drunk driving","Ill. advantage\nfor employer","False claims\n(public agency)","Illicit upload of\nproprietary media"),
"3" = c("Vandalism","Burglary","Partner violence"," "," ","Tax evasion"," "),
"4" = c("Machine theft","Other thefts"," "," "," ","False\nrepresentation\n(sale of goods)"," "),
"5" = c("Shoplifting","Accepting\nstolen goods"," "," "," ","Selling goods w/o\nintent to deliver"," "),
"6" = c("Bicycle theft","Aggrav. assault\nw/o a weapon"," "," "," ","Fraudul.\ninducement\nto contract"," "),
"7" = c("Motor-vehicle\ntheft","Aggrav. assault\nwith a weapon"," "," "," "," "," "),
"8" = c("Theft out of vehicle","Drug dealing"," "," "," "," "," ")) %>%
flextable %>%
flextable::align(j=1, align = "left", part = "all") %>%
bold(j = 1, bold = T) %>%
bold(i = 1, bold = T, part = "header") %>%
set_caption(table_nums("timing")) %>%
fit_to_width(max_width = 6.5, max_iter = 2)
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