我有几个远程设备,我需要在其中比较使用 powershell 的设备的添加删除程序。我该怎么做。谁能帮我。


需要比较“A 计算机”与“A1 计算机”和“B 计算机”与“B2 计算机”的 appremove 程序。


1 回答 1


Microsoft Scripting Guy建议检查注册表而不是非常慢的Win32_Product类。这是他们按名称搜索计算机列表的示例:

$computers = Import-Csv “C:\PowerShell\computerlist.csv”
$array = @()

foreach($pc in $computers){

    #Define the variable to hold the location of Currently Installed Programs

    #Create an instance of the Registry Object and open the HKLM base key

    #Drill down into the Uninstall key using the OpenSubKey Method

    #Retrieve an array of string that contain all the subkey names

    #Open each Subkey and use GetValue Method to return the required values for each
    foreach($key in $subkeys){
        $obj = New-Object PSObject
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name “ComputerName” -Value $computername
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name “DisplayName” -Value $($thisSubKey.GetValue(“DisplayName”))
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name “DisplayVersion” -Value $($thisSubKey.GetValue(“DisplayVersion”))
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name “InstallLocation” -Value $($thisSubKey.GetValue(“InstallLocation”))
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name “Publisher” -Value $($thisSubKey.GetValue(“Publisher”))
        $array += $obj
$array | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName } | select ComputerName, DisplayName, DisplayVersion

我们可以比较对象列表Compare-Object以查看 B PC 中缺少哪些软件:

$ComputerA = $array | Where-Object { $_.ComputerName -like 'ComputerA' } 
$ComputerB = $array | Where-Object { $_.ComputerName -like 'ComputerB' } 

Compare-Object $ComputerA $ComputerB -Property DisplayName,DisplayVersion

DisplayName            DisplayVersion SideIndicator
-----------            -------------- -------------
Notepad++ (64-bit x64) 7.8.9          <=           
于 2021-03-10T19:39:13.740 回答