我面临逐行读取/写入文件(在 Gigs 中)的挑战。

阅读许多论坛条目和站点(包括一堆 SO),建议将 mmap 作为读取/写入文件的最快选项。但是,当我使用 readline 和 mmap 技术实现我的代码时, mmap 是两者中较慢的。这对于阅读和写作都是如此。我一直在测试大约 600 MB 的文件。



void two(char* path) {

    ifstream pFile(path);
    string mystring;

    if (pFile.is_open()) {
        while (getline(pFile,mystring)) {
            // c style tokenizing
    else perror("error opening file");


void four(char* path) {

    int fd;
    char *map;
    char *FILEPATH = path;
    unsigned long FILESIZE;

    // find file size
    FILE* fp = fopen(FILEPATH, "r");
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    FILESIZE = ftell(fp);
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

    fd = open(FILEPATH, O_RDONLY);

    map = (char *) mmap(0, FILESIZE, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

    /* Read the file char-by-char from the mmap
    char c;
    stringstream ss;

    for (long i = 0; i <= FILESIZE; ++i) {
        c = map[i];
        if (c != '\n') {
            ss << c;
        else {
            // c style tokenizing


    if (munmap(map, FILESIZE) == -1) perror("Error un-mmapping the file");




我的 mmap 实现是否不正确,从而影响性能?也许 mmap 不适合我的应用程序?

Thanks for any comments or help!


4 回答 4


The real power of mmap is being able to freely seek in a file, use its contents directly as a pointer, and avoid the overhead of copying data from kernel cache memory to userspace. However, your code sample is not taking advantage of this.

In your loop, you scan the buffer one character at a time, appending to a stringstream. The stringstream doesn't know how long the string is, and so has to reallocate several times in the process. At this point you've killed off any performance increase from using mmap - even the standard getline implementation avoids multiple reallocations (by using a 128-byte on-stack buffer, in the GNU C++ implementation).

If you want to use mmap to its fullest power:

  • Don't copy your strings. At all. Instead, copy around pointers right into the mmap buffer.
  • Use built-in functions such as strnchr or memchr to find newlines; these make use of hand-rolled assembler and other optimizations to run faster than most open-coded search loops.
于 2011-07-11T21:32:15.300 回答

Whoever told you to use mmap does not know very much about modern machines.

The performance advantages of mmap are a total myth. In the words of Linus Torvalds:

Yes, memory is "slow", but dammit, so is mmap().

The problem with mmap is that every time you touch a page in the mapped region for the first time, it traps into the kernel and actually maps the page into your address space, playing havoc with the TLB.

Try a simple benchmark reading a big file 8K at a time usingread and then again with mmap. (Using the same 8K buffer over and over.) You will almost certainly find that read is actually faster.

Your problem was never with getting data out of the kernel; it was with how you handle the data after that. Minimize the work you are doing character-at-a-time; just scan to find the newline and then do a single operation on the block. Personally, I would go back to the read implementation, using (and re-using) a buffer that fits in the L1 cache (8K or so).

Or at least, I would try a simple read vs. mmap benchmark to see which is actually faster on your platform.


I found a couple more sets of commentary from Mr. Torvalds:

http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0004.0/0728.html http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0004.0/0775.html

The summary:

And on top of that you still have the actual CPU TLB miss costs etc. Which can often be avoided if you just re-read into the same area instead of being excessively clever with memory management just to avoid a copy.

memcpy() (ie "read()" in this case) is always going to be faster in many cases, just because it avoids all the extra complexity. While mmap() is going to be faster in other cases.

In my experience, reading and processing a large file sequentially is one of the "many cases" where using (and re-using) a modest-sized buffer with read/write performs significantly better than mmap.

于 2011-07-11T21:54:59.730 回答

You can use memchr to find line endings. It will be much faster than adding to a stringstream one character at a time.

于 2011-07-11T21:34:15.377 回答

You're using stringstreams to store the lines you identify. This is not comparable with the getline implementation, the stringstream itself adds overhead. As other suggested, you can store the beginning of the string as a char*, and maybe the length of the line (or a pointer to the end of the line). The body of the read would be something like:

char* str_start = map;
char* str_end;
for (long i = 0; i <= FILESIZE; ++i) {
        if (map[i] == '\n') {
            str_end = map + i;
                // C style tokenizing of the string str_start to str_end
                // If you want, you can build a std::string like:
                // std::string line(str_start,str_end);
                // but note that this implies a memory copy.
            str_start = map + i + 1;

Note also that this is much more efficient because you don't process anything in each char (in your version you were adding the character to the stringstream).

于 2011-07-11T21:48:02.307 回答