Possible Duplicate:
proper name for python * operator?

* is clearly used when unpacking an arbitrary number of arguments and

** is used when unpacking keyword arguments as a dictionary.

It is conventional to use *args and **kwargs, and I tend to pronounce these as "args" and "quargs", ignoring the *s.

In this question, the asterisk was referred to as a pointer.

How does the BDFL refer to these symbols?

Following closure.

Thanks for finding the linked question, this is what I was looking for. It's really tricky to search (even very specific areas of) the web accurately for *!

To the commentators who responded with how they pronounce "*", that was not the question I was asking (and apologies if my question mislead you). What I wanted to know is how these specifiers are named in Python, this was not a subjective question (hence the reference to the BDFL).


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