我正在为我的 CAD 程序创建一个第三方插件,其中有一个子插件,它通过绘图并找到所有部件列表 (BOMS),如果部件列表中的任何项目在 BOM 之间共享(正在使用的一个部件例如,在 2 个焊件中)然后它将第二个实例的项目编号更改为第一个实例的项目编号。它通过比较两个值之间的完整文件名来做到这一点。当他们匹配时,将数字更改为匹配器的数字。我已经让它工作了,但它运行得有点慢,因为对于 100 个项目的 BOM,每个项目都与 100 个进行比较,因此需要的时间比我想要的要长一些(运行大约 60 秒)。想了想,我意识到我不需要将每个项目与所有项目进行比较,我只需要比较直到找到重复项,然后退出搜索循环并转到下一个值。示例是 Item 1 不需要与其余 99 个值进行比较,因为即使它在位置 100 确实有匹配项,我也不想将 item 1s 的编号更改为 item 100 的编号。我想将 item 100 更改为那个为 1(即,将重复项更改为第一个遇到的双份)。但是,对于我的代码,我在退出循环比较时遇到了麻烦,这给我带来了麻烦。麻烦的一个例子是:
我有 3 个 BOM,每个都共享第 X 部分,在 BOM 1 中编号为 1,在 BOM 2 中编号为 4,在 BOM 3 中编号为 7。当我运行我的按钮时,因为一旦找到它,我就无法让它离开比较循环匹配所有 X 部分最终从 BOM 3 获得项目编号 7,因为它是最后一个实例。(我可以通过向后逐步执行我的 for 循环来完成我想做的事情,因此所有事情最终都成为最常见的事件,但我想让我的出口工作正常,因为它可以节省我不必要的比较)
如何使用 if 条件打破嵌套的 for 循环?
Public Sub MatchingNumberR1()
Debug.Print ThisApplication.Caption
'define active document as drawing doc. Will produce an error if its not a drawing doc
Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
Set oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
'Store all the sheets of drawing
Dim oSheets As Sheets
Set oSheets = oDrawDoc.Sheets
Dim oSheet As Sheet
'Loop through all the sheets
For Each oSheet In oSheets
Dim oPartsLists As PartsLists
Set oPartsLists = oSheet.PartsLists
'Loop through all the part lists on that sheet
Dim oPartList As PartsList
'For every parts list on the sheet
For Each oPartList In oPartsLists
For i3 = 1 To oPartList.PartsListRows.Count
'Store the Item number and file referenced in that row to compare
oItem = FindItem(oPartList)
oDescription = FindDescription(oPartList)
oDescripCheck = oPartList.PartsListRows.Item(i3).Item(oDescription).Value
oNumCheck = oPartList.PartsListRows.Item(i3).Item(oItem).Value
'Check to see if the BOM item is a virtual component if it is do not try and get the reference part
If oPartList.PartsListRows.Item(i3).ReferencedFiles.Count = 0 Then
oRefPart = " "
End If
'Check to see if the BOM item is a virtual component if it is try and get the reference part
If oPartList.PartsListRows.Item(i3).ReferencedFiles.Count > 0 Then
oRefPart = oPartList.PartsListRows.Item(i3).ReferencedFiles.Item(1).FullFileName
End If
MsgBox (" We are comparing " & oRefPart)
'''''Create a comparison loop to go through the drawing that checks the oRefPart against other BOM items and see if there is a match.'''''
'Store all the sheets of drawing
Dim oSheets2 As Sheets
Set oSheets2 = oDrawDoc.Sheets
Dim oSheet2 As Sheet
'For every sheet in the drawing
For Each oSheet2 In oSheets2
'Get all the parts list on a single sheet
Dim oPartsLists2 As PartsLists
Set oPartsLists2 = oSheet2.PartsLists
Dim oPartList2 As PartsList
'For every parts list on the sheet
For Each oPartList2 In oPartsLists2
oItem2 = FindItem(oPartList2)
oDescription2 = FindDescription(oPartList2)
'Go through all the rows of the part list
For i6 = 1 To oPartList2.PartsListRows.Count
'Check to see if the part is a not a virtual component, if not, get the relevent comparison values
If oPartList2.PartsListRows.Item(i6).ReferencedFiles.Count > 0 Then
oNumCheck2 = oPartList2.PartsListRows.Item(i6).Item(oItem2).Value
oRefPart2 = oPartList2.PartsListRows.Item(i6).ReferencedFiles.Item(1).FullFileName
'Compare the file names, if they match change the part list item number for the original to that of the match
If oRefPart = oRefPart2 Then
oPartList.PartsListRows.Item(i3).Item(1).Value = oNumCheck2
''''''''This is where I want it to exit the loop and grab the next original value'''''''
End If
'For virtual components get the following comparison values
ElseIf oPartList2.PartsListRows.Item(i6).ReferencedFiles.Count = 0 Then
oNumCheck2 = oPartList2.PartsListRows.Item(i6).Item(oItem2).Value
oDescripCheck2 = oPartList2.PartsListRows.Item(i6).Item(oDescription2).Value
'Compare the descriptions and if they match change the part list item number for the original to that of the match
If oDescripCheck = oDescripCheck2 Then
oPartList.PartsListRows.Item(i3).Item(1).Value = oNumCheck2
''''''''This is where I want it to exit the loop and grab the next original value'''''''
End If
''''''''This is where if no matches were found I want it to continue going through the comparison loop'''''''
End If
'MsgBox ("Matching Numbers has been finished")
End Sub