- 在第一个城市开始游览。
- 反复访问该旅游尚未访问的最近城市。如果出现平局,请前往指数最低的最近城市。例如,如果第三和第五个城市与第一个城市的距离相同(并且比任何其他城市都近),那么游览应该从第一个城市到第三个城市开始。
- 一旦每个城市都被访问过一次,返回第一个城市完成游览。
我正在尝试在 Haskell 中编写一个解决方案,并且我让它在小型数据集上工作,但是它在大量输入时内存不足(该课程的输入约为 33000 个城市)
-- Fold data: cities map, distances map, visited map, list of visited cities and each distance,
-- and current city
data TS = TS (M.Map Int City) (M.Map (Int,Int) Double) (M.Map Int Bool) ([(Int,Double)]) (Int)
run :: String -> String
run input = let cm = parseInput input -- cityMap contains cities (index,xPos,yPos)
n = length $ M.keys cm
dm = buildDistMap cm -- distanceMap :: M.Map (Int,Int) Double
-- which is the distance between cities a and b
ts = TS cm dm (M.fromList [(1,True)]) [(1,0.0)] 1
(TS _ _ _ beforeLast _) = foldl' (\ts _ -> exec ts n) ts [2..n]
completed = end beforeLast dm
in show $ floor $ sum $ map (\(_,d) -> d) $ completed
exec :: TS -> Int -> TS
exec (TS cm dm visited ordered curr) n =
let candidateIndexes = [(i)|i<-[1..n],M.member i visited == False]
candidates = map (\i -> let (Just x) = M.lookup (curr,i) dm in (x,i)) candidateIndexes
(dist,best) = head $ sortBy bestCity candidates
visited' = M.insert best True visited
ordered' = (best,dist) : ordered
in TS cm dm visited' ordered' best
end :: [(Int,Double)] -> M.Map (Int,Int) Double -> [(Int,Double)]
end ordering dm = let (latest,_) = head ordering
(Just dist) = M.lookup (latest,1) dm
in (1,dist) : ordering
bestCity :: (Double,Int) -> (Double,Int) -> Ordering
bestCity (d1,i1) (d2,i2) =
if compare d1 d2 == EQ
then compare i1 i2
else compare d1 d2
. 我认为将其更改为使用会严格foldl'
我知道它必须以某种方式在内存中保留多个循环,因为我可以毫无问题地对 34000 个数字进行排序
> sort $ [34000,33999..1]
data City = City Int Double Double deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Init
parseInput :: String -> M.Map Int City
parseInput input =
$ zip [1..]
$ map ((\(i:x:y:_) -> City (read i) (read x) (read y)) . words)
$ tail
$ lines input
buildDistMap :: M.Map Int City -> M.Map (Int,Int) Double
buildDistMap cm =
let n = length $ M.keys cm
bm = M.fromList $ zip [(i,i)|i<-[1..n]] (repeat 0) :: M.Map (Int,Int) Double
perms = [(x,y)|x<-[1..n],y<-[1..n],x/=y]
in foldl' (\dm (x,y) -> M.insert (x,y) (getDist cm dm (x,y)) dm) bm perms
getDist :: M.Map Int City -> M.Map (Int,Int) Double -> (Int,Int) -> Double
getDist cm dm (x,y) =
case M.lookup (y,x) dm
of (Just v) -> v
Nothing -> let (Just (City _ x1 y1)) = M.lookup x cm
(Just (City _ x2 y2)) = M.lookup y cm
in eDist (x1,y1) (x2,y2)
eDist :: (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Double
eDist (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = sqrt $ p2 (x2 - x1) + p2 (y2 - y1)
where p2 x = x ^ 2
tc1 = "6\n\
\1 2 1\n\
\2 4 0\n\
\3 2 0\n\
\4 0 0\n\
\5 4 3\n\
\6 0 3"