所以我试图用 discord.js-commando 和 quick.db 做一个结婚命令,但它似乎不起作用,我不知道为什么。即使 id 存在于数据库中,如果它不存在,它仍会返回调用的代码。这是我的代码,任何帮助表示赞赏!

const { Command } = require('discord.js-commando');
const db = require("quick.db");

module.exports = class MarryCommand extends Command {
  constructor(client) {
    super(client, {
      name: 'marry',
      memberName: 'marry',
      group: 'guild',
      description: 'Marry the mentioned user',
      guildOnly: true,
      args: [
          key: 'userToMarry',
          prompt: 'Please mention the member that you want to marry.',
          type: 'member'

  run(message, { userToMarry }) {
    const member = userToMarry;
    const exists = db.get(message.author.id);
    const married = db.get(userToMarry.id);
    if (!member) {
      return message.channel.send(':x: Please try again with a valid user.')}
    if (exists == message.author.id || married == message.author.id) {
      return message.channel.send(':x: You already married!')}
    if (exists == userToMarry.id || married == userToMarry.id) {
      return message.channel.send(':x: This user is already married!')}
    if (exists != message.author.id && exists != userToMarry.id && married != userToMarry.id && married != message.author.id) {
    message.channel.send(`:heart: ${userToMarry}, do you want marry ${message.author}?`);
      message.channel.awaitMessages(message => message.author.id == userToMarry.id, {max: 1}).then(collected => {
    if (collected.first().content.toLowerCase() == 'no') {
      return message.channel.send(':x: Looks like a **no** to me...')}
    if (collected.first().content.toLowerCase() == 'yes') {
      db.set(message.author.id, { partner: userToMarry.id });
      db.set(userToMarry.id, { partner: message.author.id });
    message.channel.send(`:heart: ${message.author} and ${userToMarry} are now married!`)
      .catch(err => {
          `:x: Something went wrong when trying to marry this user.`
        return console.log(err)});

1 回答 1



const { Command } = require('discord.js-commando');
const db = require("quick.db");

module.exports = class MarryCommand extends Command {
  constructor(client) {
    super(client, {
      name: 'marry',
      memberName: 'marry',
      group: 'other',
      description: 'Marry the mentioned user',
      guildOnly: true,
      args: [
          key: 'userToMarry',
          prompt: 'Please mention the member that you want to marry.',
          type: 'member'

  run(message, { userToMarry }) {
    const exists = db.get(`${message.author.id}.user`);
    const married = db.get(`${userToMarry.id}.user`);
    if (!userToMarry) {
      return message.channel.send(':x: Please try again with a valid user.')}
    if (exists == message.author.id) {
      return message.channel.send(':x: You are already married!')}
    if (married == userToMarry.id) {
      return message.channel.send(':x: This user is already married!')}
    if (userToMarry.id == message.author.id) {
      return message.channel.send(':x: You can\'t marry yourself!');
    if (exists != message.author.id && married != userToMarry.id) {
    message.channel.send(`:heart: ${userToMarry}, do you want marry ${message.author}?`);
      message.channel.awaitMessages(message => message.author.id == userToMarry.id, {max: 1}).then(collected => {
    if (collected.first().content.toLowerCase() == 'no') {
      return message.channel.send(':x: Looks like a **no** to me...')}
    if (collected.first().content.toLowerCase() == 'yes') {
      db.set(message.author.id, { user: message.author.id, partner: userToMarry.id });
      db.set(userToMarry.id, { user: userToMarry.id, partner: message.author.id });
    message.channel.send(`:heart: ${message.author} and ${userToMarry} are now married!`)
      .catch(err => {
          `:x: Something went wrong when trying to marry this user. ${err}`
        return console.log(err)});
于 2021-04-09T21:36:44.667 回答