Ours is a service-oriented organization which handles multiple project at a time. We want to introduce Agile Methodology in our team to follow. But this methodology is not getting feasible our team. We tried to implement this by planning sprint 1 for 15 days sprint for a project, say Project A. But members allocated to complete this sprint's task, weren't able to complete it in 15 days, as they got shifted to some other projects B, C, D, E, F's priority tasks. In such case, the Project A deadline gets missed, and in turn we have to pay price for being in delay. We try not to miss date of delivery for majority of projects, but sometimes it does happen that due to many things on plate, we do forget the committed dates for project live.

We use Azure DevOps to manage the projects. We create Phase/Sprint to whichever projects its feasible. Currently there are total 100 projects on-board, senior mentoring + project managing team has only 3 people & members to do development/testing work is 18. Each resource per day does works on 4-5 projects on average.

If the senior team asks the member to fill excel/csv sheet of work they did particular day, and import that sheet in Devops, then it will be easy for team to get their tasks on Devops board for on regular basis. But the senior members can't view work of all 18 members did for a day in a go. There can't click on 20-30 project's URL per day and check which work items were did by which member on a particular day or which work items are closed or in progress in particular sprint?

So they need a widget which provides consolidated data of all these 100 projects work items together. I have used pivot table widget, in its y axis does fits 18 members name but its x axis fits only 25 projects and not more that that. On click in Others column option also I am not able to view 100 projects projects. Other than that in this table, I am not able to differentiate the sprint-wise task too. I used Sprint overview , sprint burndown, sprint analysis etc. widgets but these widgets only give current project's current sprint data and not overall 100 projects' various sprints' (sprint 1, 2, 3 etc.). This data is useful as this chart can be passed on to upper management for team's performance analysis. How fast or slow they are in resolving the work items.

So please help me in providing a solution, is it possible for me to have a consolidated view of chart/widget, where I can view work items (bug-wise, feature-wise, task-wise, user story-wise, test case-wise) assigned for 18 member-wise for various projects which are resolved/active/close/open under their name for a particular Sprint 1, Sprint 2, Sprint 3 etc.

It will be grateful if somebody helps to resolve this issue, Thanks in advance.

Pivot Table trail

Sprint chart


1 回答 1


目前,在 Azure DevOps 上没有这样的内置小部件可以合并多个工作项类型、多个用户、多个项目、多个工作项状态和多个 sprint 的视图。

我还从Marketplace for Azure DevOps搜索并尝试了一些相关的 Dashboard Widget 扩展,但没有发现任何可用的扩展可以满足您的需求。


您可以参考有关“开发 Web 扩展”和“扩展示例”的文档来开发自己的 Dashboard Widget 扩展。

于 2021-03-05T02:26:47.683 回答