The following code is an error in GCC trunk and Clang trunk:


#include <variant>

template <template <typename...> typename Container,
          typename Type,
          typename ... More>
struct Contain
    using type = Container<Type, More...>;

template <template <typename...> typename Container,
          typename Type>
struct Contain<Container, Type>
    using type = Container<Type>;

template <template <typename...> typename Container,
          typename Type,
          typename ... More>
using Contain_t = typename Contain<Container, Type, More ...>::type;

template <typename ... A>
using C_ok = typename Contain< std::variant, A ... >::type;

template <typename ... A>
using C_bad = Contain_t< std::variant, A ... >;

Why does parameter pack A split correctly into Type and More ... in C_ok but not in C_bad?

Fixed: Template parameter Type in Contain_t was redundant.

template <template <typename...> typename Container,
          /* typename Type, */
          typename ... More>
using Contain_t = typename Contain<Container, /* Type, */ More ...>::type;

(Please ignore that it will not work when called with 0 parameters)


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