在 Windows Server 2016 Standard 版本 1607 上进行调试。从 windbg 10.0.19041.685 启动一个进程并设置以下 gflags:

0:038> !gflag 0x020011f0
New NtGlobalFlag contents: 0x020011f0
    htc - Enable heap tail checking
    hfc - Enable heap free checking
    hpc - Enable heap parameter checking
    hvc - Enable heap validation on call
    vrf - Enable application verifier
    ust - Create user mode stack trace database
    hpa - Place heap allocations at ends of pages 


(140c.7ec): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007ff8`f96da01b 66898730010000  mov     word ptr [rdi+130h],ax ds:000001d5`dced0130=eeee

这发生在 loadlibrary 调用中。此 gflag 设置是否存在已知问题?有什么想法吗?


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