我刚开始使用 R,所以我可能没有正确理解这些功能。
#Example data
length <- c(0.06,0.087,0.147,0.241,0.615,1.49,2.42)
age <- c(1.3, 2.6, 3.3, 3.9, 5.45, 8, 10.5)
#Polynomial function second degree
growth <- lm(length ~ poly(age, 2, raw=TRUE)-1)
#Need to use this equation to predict x (age) given y (length)
#New y data
mydata_length <- c(0.72,1.82,0.41,0.28)
要根据我的数据 (y) 计算年龄 (x),我尝试了多种解决方案,我认为该函数spline()
将是正确的解决方案。不过,看起来它只给了我多项式方程的 2 个可能解中的 1 个,而且它是错误的。由于它是一条增长曲线,它从原点开始,我需要方程的正解。如果我在另一个软件中输入系数来求解方程,我实际上可以得到两个解,包括我需要的解,我在这里报告。不过,这是一个非常耗时的解决方案,并且不利于重现性。
#Spline doesn't give the correct results
xvals <- spline(x = growth$fitted.values, xout = mydata_length)$y
#[1] -0.01614070 0.09184022 -0.05031075 -0.06537486
#Expected results
#5.88 9.08 4.56 3.85
#Calculate age (x) based on my length data (y)
#Save coefficients
coeffs <- growth$coefficients
#Create function for groth, 0 as intercept
growth_f <- polynomial(c(0, coeffs))
#List of specimen names - row names of y data frame
specimens <- c("sp1", "sp2", "sp3", "sp4")
#Row names for x (calculated age) data frame
rows <- c("discard","keep")
#New data frame with y (length) data
mydata_length_df <- data.frame(mydata_length, row.names = specimens)
#Matrix for calculated age results
x <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = nrow(mydata_length_df))
#Make data frame
x <- data.frame(x)
#Set row and column names
rownames(x) <- rows
colnames(x) <- specimens
#Loop to calculate both results of the polynomial for all specimens - second row is the one to keep
for(i in 1:4) {
x[i] <- data.frame(solve(growth_f, mydata_length_df[i,]))
# sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4
#discard -4.996448 -8.189725 -3.671227 -2.965612
#keep 5.889859 9.083136 4.564638 3.859024
#Transpose to match rest of the data
x <- t(x)
#Data frame with both length and calculated age
new_results <- data.frame(length = mydata_length, calc_age = x[,2])
# length calc_age
#sp1 0.72 5.889859
#sp2 1.82 9.083136
#sp3 0.41 4.564638
#sp4 0.28 3.859024