从 TFS2013 迁移到 TFS2018 后出现问题。这发生在我们系统的重大重建之后。我迁移了 TFS 数据库和软件,并且可以在 Web 浏览器中检查一切正常的东西。我删除了服务器上的所有工作区。

我的问题示例:我用 VS2019 打开了一个项目(WOL)并尝试连接到 TFS 服务器。我有一个建议的工作区目录:



D:\Visual Studio Projekte\WOL

(由于 TFS 服务器的离线时间较长,因此我现在要签入的项目有很多更改)在此尝试中,我收到以下消息:

The working folder
*D:\Visual Studio Projekte\WOL*
is already in use by the workspace JLOEWNER;Juergen Loewner on computer JLOEWNER.





1 回答 1


The error message is The working folder D:\Visual Studio Projekte\WOL is already in use by the workspace JLOEWNER;Juergen Loewner on computer JLOEWNER.

The variable D:\Visual Studio Projekte\WOL stands for the blocked folder, JLOEWNER for the workspace/machine name and Juergen for the users id on Azure DevOps Server(TFS2018).

We could run the tf.exe cmd to delete Remote Workspace.


Run Developer Command Prompt with Administrator privileges from Visual Studio 2019 and login with your Azure DevOps credentials. If the Login dialog doesn’t show up, force it by executing:

tf.exe workspace

Get a list of all remote workspaces available in your DevOps Collection by running the command:

tf.exe workspaces /computer:* /owner:* /format:xml > c:\temp\workspaces.xml

Find the abandoned workspace in the list and note its name and ownerid for running the command:

tf workspace /delete {WORKSPACE.name};{WORKSPACE.ownerid}

We could check this blog for more details.

Or refer to this ticket to remove the workspace, then it should be work.

于 2021-03-02T06:14:14.850 回答