我看到过“你能在 Windows 上运行 Monit 吗?”这个问题,除非你想使用虚拟机,否则答案似乎是否定的。
那么......实际上是否有任何适用于 Windows 操作系统的小尺寸类似监视器的应用程序?我正在寻找的不仅仅是监控(其中有数百个应用程序),还有执行脚本或重新启动服务的能力。例如,监控一个网页,如果该页面无响应(不能只看服务,因为服务仍在运行但没有正确响应),则重新启动 Tomcat。
我看到过“你能在 Windows 上运行 Monit 吗?”这个问题,除非你想使用虚拟机,否则答案似乎是否定的。
那么......实际上是否有任何适用于 Windows 操作系统的小尺寸类似监视器的应用程序?我正在寻找的不仅仅是监控(其中有数百个应用程序),还有执行脚本或重新启动服务的能力。例如,监控一个网页,如果该页面无响应(不能只看服务,因为服务仍在运行但没有正确响应),则重新启动 Tomcat。
我没有找到任何适合我需要的东西,所以我学习了一点 Powershell 脚本并推出了一个对其他人也应该有用的解决方案。假设是 Windows 平台(否则使用 monit!),Powershell 非常强大且简单。
sample-monitor.ps1 脚本:
$webClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
# the URL to ping
$HeartbeatUrl = "http://someplace.com/somepage/"
# the response string to look for that indicates things are working ok
$SuccessResponseString = "Some Text"
# the name of the windows service to restart (the service name, not the display name)
$ServiceName = "Tomcat6"
# the log file used for monitoring output
$LogFile = "c:\temp\heartbeat.log"
# used to indicate that the service has failed since the last time we checked.
$FailureLogFile = "c:\temp\failure.log"
# create the log file if it doesn't already exist.
if (!(Test-Path $LogFile)) {
New-Item $LogFile -type file
$startTime = get-date
$output = $webClient.DownloadString($HeartbeatUrl)
$endTime = get-date
if ($output -like "*" + $SuccessResponseString + "*") {
# uncomment the below line if you want positive confirmation
#"Success`t`t" + $startTime.DateTime + "`t`t" + ($endTime - $startTime).TotalSeconds + " seconds" >> $LogFile
# remove the FailureLog if it exists to indicate we're in good shape.
if (Test-Path $FailureLogFile) {
Remove-Item $FailureLogFile
else {
"Fail`t`t" + $startTime.DateTime + "`t`t" + ($endTime - $startTime).TotalSeconds + " seconds" >> $LogFile
# restart the service if this is the first time it's failed since the last successful check.
if (!(Test-Path $FailureLogFile)) {
New-Item $FailureLogFile -type file
"Initial failure:" + $startTime.DateTime >> $FailureLogFile
Restart-Service $ServiceName
该脚本将执行一次,这意味着您需要在外部控制其重复。您可以在脚本中将其置于无限循环中,但这似乎有点不稳定。我使用 Windows 任务计划程序,执行它的方式如下: 程序:Powershell.exe 参数:-command "C:\projects\foo\scripts\monitor.ps1" -noprofile Start In: C:\projects\foo\scripts
您还可以使用更强大的调度程序,如 VisualCron,将其插入 Windows 服务,或通过 Quart.NET 等应用服务器调度程序。就我而言,任务调度程序工作正常。
当 Dan Tanner 无法连接、显示错误并且没有重新启动服务时,我稍微调整了他的脚本
$webClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
# the URL to ping
$HeartbeatUrl = "http://localhost:8080/"
# the response string to look for that indicates things are working ok
$SuccessResponseString = "Apache"
# the name of the windows service to restart (the service name, not the display name)
$ServiceName = "Tomcat6"
# the log file used for monitoring output
$LogFile = "c:\temp\log.log"
# used to indicate that the service has failed since the last time we checked.
$FailureLogFile = "c:\temp\log2.log"
# create the log file if it doesn't already exist.
if (!(Test-Path $LogFile)) {
New-Item $LogFile -type file
$startTime = get-date
try {
$output = $webClient.DownloadString($HeartbeatUrl)
$endTime = get-date
if ($output -like "*" + $SuccessResponseString + "*") {
# uncomment the below line if you want positive confirmation
#"Success`t`t" + $startTime.DateTime + "`t`t" + ($endTime - $startTime).TotalSeconds + " seconds" >> $LogFile
# remove the FailureLog if it exists to indicate we're in good shape.
if (Test-Path $FailureLogFile) {
Remove-Item $FailureLogFile
else {
"Fail`t`t" + $startTime.DateTime + "`t`t" + ($endTime - $startTime).TotalSeconds + " seconds" >> $LogFile
# restart the service if this is the first time it's failed since the last successful check.
if (!(Test-Path $FailureLogFile)) {
New-Item $FailureLogFile -type file
"Initial failure:" + $startTime.DateTime >> $FailureLogFile
Restart-Service $ServiceName
}catch [Net.WebException] {
New-Item $FailureLogFile -type file
"Initial failure:" + $startTime.DateTime + $_.Exception.ToString() >> $FailureLogFile
Restart-Service $ServiceName
这至少可以部分使用 Windows 附带的服务控制管理器来完成。它监视服务应用程序并可以在启动时自动启动它们,在崩溃时重新启动它们等。将应用程序编写为服务是一种选择,但如果您不能将应用程序编写为服务,那么您可以尝试包装进程srvany.exe
在 Windows 资源工具包中 使用。
有关编写服务的更多信息:https: //support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/137890
至于实际的监控功能,我不完全确定什么是可用的,或者 SCM 功能的扩展。