我正在通过编辑某些单词并在 pymupdf 的编辑区域顶部添加不同的单词来编辑 pdf。
该代码成功运行,但是它生成了一个非常大的单页 pdf (9MB)。我认为这是因为绘制了许多形状和编辑,但我似乎无法重构。
多次申请,但如果我不这样做,文本不会正确显示在编辑方块的顶部,或者它会引发ValueError: fill rect must be finite and not empty
任何帮助重构较小的输出 pdf 将不胜感激。
doc = fitz.open(self.path)
# get pdf background colour
col = fitz.utils.getColor("py_color")
# iterating through pages
for page in doc:
# geting the rect boxes which consists the matching regex
sensitive = self.get_sensitive_data(page.getText("text")
for data in sensitive:
areas = page.searchFor(data)
for area in areas:
text_page = page.get_textpage(clip=area)
text_page = text_page.extractDICT(area)
# text_page = area
max_length = fitz.getTextlength(str(max(column, key=len)), fontsize=fontsize)+14
area = format_border(page, area, data, fontsize, align=align, max_length=max_length)
area.y1 = add_yrect_line(column, area.y1, area.y1-area.y0)
col = fitz.utils.getColor("white")
redaction = page.addRedactAnnot(new_area, fill=col, text=" ") #flags not available
page.apply_redactions() # page.apply_redations(images=fitz.PDF_REDACT_IMAGE_NONE) to circumvent transparent image issues
writer = fitz.TextWriter(page.rect, color=color)
# align to top of box if align right:
writer.fill_textbox(new_area, variable, fontsize=fontsize, warn=True, align=align, font=font)
# To show what happened, draw the rectangles, etc.
shape = page.newShape()
shape.drawRect(new_area) # the rect within which we had to stay
shape.finish(stroke_opacity=0) # show in red color
shape = page.newShape()
shape.drawRect(writer.text_rect) # the generated TextWriter rectangle
shape.drawCircle(writer.last_point, 2) # coordinates of end of text
shape.finish(stroke_opacity=0) # show with blue color
writer = fitz.TextWriter(area, color=color)