I was wondering wether sstream is faster than just a for loop for processing a string? say for example we have a string that we can't to separate just the words:
std::string somestring = "My dear aunt sally went to the market and couldn't find what she was looking for";
would a string stream be faster? Its definitely prettier.
std::string temp;
stringstream input(somestring);
while(input >> temp){
std::cout << temp;
or utilizing a regular old for loop and a buffer?
std::string buffer; //word buffer
for(int i= 0; i < somestring.size(); ++i){
if(somestring.at(i) == 32 && buffer == ""){
if(somestring.at(i) == 32 || somestring.at(i) == '\n'){
std::cout << buffer;
buffer += somestring.at(i);
std::cout << buffer;
tldr: I guess i'm mainly wondering if sstream is more optimized and faster at processing a string than just a regular for loop?
EDIT: Edited the forloop