我有一个从 Matthew Pennell(购物车教程)那里得到的购物车,在他的购物车脚本中我想实现 paypal。但是我遇到了一个我无法真正解决的问题。由于在他的代码中他正在执行 foreach 循环,因此我的贝宝“item_name_”和“amount_”必须是可变的。我需要计算一个数组中有多少个数组。我使用 count($content) 进行了尝试,它确实给了我数组的数量,但是,我的购物车中的每一行的结果都在增加。IE

1 object return 1
2 object return 2 , 2 
3 object return 3, 3 ,3

我想知道我是否错过了其他功能,或者即使实际返回数据是 3,3,3 ,是否有办法只获得 1 个结果。

最后对于 paypal_quantity 是否有添加到购物车的变量?

    $i = 1;
    function checkout() {
        global $db;
        $cart = $_SESSION['cart'];
        if ($cart) {
            $items = explode(',', $cart);
            $contents = array();
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                $contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1;

            <form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
                <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart"></input>
                <input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1"></input>
                <input type="hidden" name="business" value="my_email.com"></input>

            foreach ($contents as $id => $qty) {

                echo $contents;

                $sql = 'SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = ' . $id;
                $result = $db->query($sql);
                $row = $result->fetch();
                <input type="hidden" name="item_name_<?php echo count($contents); ?>" value="<?php echo $title; ?>"></input>
                <input type="hidden" name="amount_<?php echo count($contents); ?>" value="<?php echo $price; ?>"></input>
                <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="<?php echo $qty; ?>"></input>
            <input type="submit" value="PayPal"></input>



3 回答 3



 foreach ($contents as $id => $qty) {
                $sql = 'SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = ' . $id;
                $result = $db->query($sql);
                $row = $result->fetch();
                echo $rowid;
于 2011-07-10T12:00:09.420 回答


            <input type="hidden" name="item_name_<?php echo count($contents); ?>" value="<?php echo $title; ?>"></input>
            <input type="hidden" name="amount_<?php echo count($contents); ?>" value="<?php echo $price; ?>"></input>

在 foreach 循环内,所以如果你循环两次, echo count($contents); 运行两次,你得到 22。

于 2011-07-09T10:34:20.177 回答


    $i = 1; // not used in the below function.
    function checkout() {
        global $db;
        // check for isset, it is more defensive and PHP is less inclined to issue a warning.
        if( isset( $_SESSION['cart'] ) && $_SESSION['cart'] ) {
            $items = explode( ',', $_SESSION['cart'] );
            // array_count_values is pretty cool.
            // it does exactly what your first for loop did.
            $contents = array_count_values( $items );                 
            <form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
                <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart"></input>
                <input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1"></input>
                <input type="hidden" name="business" value="my_email.com"></input>

            foreach ($contents as $id => $qty) {
                // echo $contents; <!-- this should echo 'Array' continually
                $sql = 'SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = ' . $id;
                $result = $db->query($sql);
                $row = $result->fetch();
                // extract is normally not the best practice, frequently it leads to accidental replacement of 
                // important variables -- if `books` had a `contents` column or quantity, that would be no good.
                // so I've replaced it with what I expect are the keys to the array.
                     A caution about hidden inputs. They can be modified by the client, so if you were to, say,
                     trust the price listed below and your client had no scruples, your client could simply set
                     that value to, say, $0.01. Or worse, free!
                     I've changed up your input naming convention just slightly (it is easy to fix, but hear me
                     out first). You've used something which will render <name-1>_1, <name-1>_2... which means
                     that your $_POST (If you're buying something with this form, $_POST really is your better 
                     bet) will have $_POST[<name-1>_1], $_POST[<name-1>_2]... In order to get all of the different
                     products grouped properly, you'll actually need to parse the $_POST indexes... it will get 
                     messy. It's doable, but it will be annoying.

                     Instead, I put the naming convention <name-1>[1], <name-2>[2]. This means that $_POST will 
                     have an array for each of the <names>. This means that you can do this:

                     $quantity  = ""; 
                     $ammount   = "";
                     foreach( $_POST[ 'item_name' ] as $key => $item )
                        $quantity = $_POST[ 'quantity' ][ $key ];
                        $ammount  = $_POST[ 'ammount'  ][ $key ];
                        // you now have all three quickly and easily with no string parsing! Set it and forget it!
                <input type="hidden" name="item_name[<?php 
                      // before you were using count($contents) here. That would mean that everything would have 
                      // the same name and you'd only get one value back in $_REQUEST. I think you meant ID.
                      echo $id; 
                ?>]" value="<?php echo $row['title']; ?>"></input>
                <input type="hidden" name="amount[<?php echo $id; ?>" value="<?php 
                      // ammount may not be your best choice of input name for something that refers to price.
                      // I know that when I look at it, I expect that to refer to quantity and not to cost
                      // and your first job as a developer is writing code which is as obvious as possible.
                      // But that is more stylistic than not so feel free to disregard
                      echo $row['price']; 
                <input type="hidden" name="quantity[<?php 
                      // I took the liberty of adding id to this input as well -- otherwise you'd only have one 
                      // quantity
                      echo $id; 
                ?>]" value="<?php echo $qty; ?>"></input>
            <input type="submit" value="PayPal"></input>
于 2011-07-09T11:16:23.950 回答