I was wondering if any Mahout version has been confirmed to work properly with any version of Hadoop 3.x. It looks like both Cloudera's and Amazon's Hadoop distribution removed Mahout when they went from Hadoop 2 to Hadoop 3. But I cannot find any reason for omitting Mahout.

Does anyone have a source or personal experience that indicates that Mahout can work with Hadoop 3?


1 回答 1


Mahout的主干分支在git hub上推荐的hadoop版本是hadoop-2.4.1

但看看这个 dockerfile 在 maser 分支上: https ://github.com/apache/mahout/blob/master/docker/build/Dockerfile

它在 hadoop 3.0 gettyimages /spark:2.3.1-hadoop-3.0上使用 spark v2.3.1


于 2021-02-24T06:54:54.290 回答