我有一些可以添加到 fabricjs 画布的圆圈。每个圆圈都是一个对象,而在我的 javascript 代码之外,我有一个 DOM 元素,如下所示:
<span id="cirkel1" class="carttip inlineflexmenu" style="border-radius:100%;width: 25px;height:25px;z-index:9999999;position:absolute;cursor:pointer;">
<div class="tooltipcontent darktext tooltippadding" style="position:relative;">
这个元素触发了一个带有 Tippjs(一个 js 工具提示包)的工具提示,它具有以下代码(不要介意每个循环,我还应该提到下面的代码在 canvas 函数之外):
$( "#cirkel1" ).each(function( i ) {
tippy(this, {
theme: 'blue',
trigger: 'click',
allowHTML: true,
placement: 'right',
animation: 'scale-subtle',
interactive: true,
content: function (reference) {
return reference.querySelector('.tooltipcontent');
在我为画布声明所有内容的函数中,我有以下代码将 DOM 元素放置在画布对象的顶部:
fabric.Canvas.prototype.getAbsoluteCoords = function(object) {
return {
left: object.left + this._offset.left,
top: object.top + this._offset.top
var cirkel1tooltip = document.getElementById('cirkel1'),
btnWidth = 40,
btnHeight = 40;
function positionBtn(obj) {
var absCoords = canvas.getAbsoluteCoords(obj);
cirkel1tooltip.style.left = (absCoords.left - btnWidth / 10) + 'px';
cirkel1tooltip.style.top = (absCoords.top - btnHeight / 10) + 'px';
完整代码可以看这里(点击小圆圈测试):https ://codepen.io/twan2020/pen/jOVaWMm
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<base href="//printzelf.nl/new/">
<title>Image test</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/tippy.js@6/animations/scale-subtle.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet"href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/4.1.1/animate.min.css"/>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js" integrity="sha256-2Kok7MbOyxpgUVvAk/HJ2jigOSYS2auK4Pfzbm7uH60=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<style media="screen">
.tippy-box {
width: 100%!important;
text-align: center;
background-color: #fff!important;
color: #fff!important;
box-shadow: 3px 2px 15px 6px rgb(0 0 0 / 10%);
.darktext {
color: #383838;
font-family: Panton;
font-size: 15px;
.tooltippadding {
padding: 15px;
body .tippy-arrow {
color: #fff!important;
<img id="background" src="https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/05/29/realestate/00skyline-south4/88ce0191bfc249b6aae1b472158cccc4-superJumbo.jpg" alt="" style="display:none;">
<div class="canvas-container" style="width: 600px; height: 500px; position: relative; user-select: none;">
<canvas id="c" width="600" height="500" class="lower-canvas" style="border:1px solid red;position: absolute; width: 600px; height: 500px; left: 0px; top: 0px; touch-action: none; user-select: none;"></canvas>
<span id="cirkel1" class="carttip inlineflexmenu" style="border-radius:100%;width: 25px;height:25px;z-index:9999999;position:absolute;cursor:pointer;">
<div class="tooltipcontent darktext tooltippadding" style="position:relative;">
<!-- Popper JS -->
<script src="assets/js/popper.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/tippy.js@6"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/fabric.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var myImg = document.querySelector("#background");
var realWidth = myImg.naturalWidth;
var realHeight = myImg.naturalHeight;
var source = document.getElementById('background').src;
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
canvas.hoverCursor = 'pointer';
canvas.selection = false;
canvas.setDimensions({ width: realWidth, height: realHeight });
var img = new Image();
// use a load callback to add image to canvas.
img.src = 'https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/05/29/realestate/00skyline-south4/88ce0191bfc249b6aae1b472158cccc4-superJumbo.jpg';
canvas.setBackgroundImage(source, canvas.renderAll.bind(canvas), {
backgroundImageOpacity: 0.5,
backgroundImageStretch: false
const hotspots = [
top: 140,
left: 230,
radius: 10,
fill: '#009fe3',
id: 'cirkel1',
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
selectable: false,
imgtop: 200,
imgleft: 300,
imgheight: 200,
imgwidth: 200,
tooltipid: 'cirkel1',
imgUrl: 'https://printzelf.nl/new/assets/images/logo_gewoon.png'
top: 240,
left: 530,
radius: 10,
fill: '#009fe3',
id: 'cirkel2',
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
selectable: false,
imgtop: 200,
imgleft: 700,
imgheight: 200,
imgwidth: 200,
imgUrl: 'https://i1.wp.com/nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/04/pugs-coronavirus.jpg'
top: 240,
left: 730,
radius: 10,
fill: '#009fe3',
id: 'cirkel2',
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
selectable: false,
imgtop: 200,
imgleft: 800,
imgheight: 200,
imgwidth: 200,
imgUrl: 'https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/fe1e34da640c5c56ed16f76ce6f994fa9343d09d/0_174_3408_2046/master/3408.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=0d3f33fb6aa6e0154b7713a00454c83d'
const loadedImages = [];
for (let [idx, props] of hotspots.entries()) {
let c = new fabric.Circle(props);
c.class = 'hotspot';
c.name = 'hotspot-' + idx;
fabric.Canvas.prototype.getAbsoluteCoords = function(object) {
return {
left: object.left + this._offset.left,
top: object.top + this._offset.top
var cirkel1tooltip = document.getElementById('cirkel1'),
btnWidth = 40,
btnHeight = 40;
function positionBtn(obj) {
var absCoords = canvas.getAbsoluteCoords(obj);
cirkel1tooltip.style.left = (absCoords.left - btnWidth / 10) + 'px';
cirkel1tooltip.style.top = (absCoords.top - btnHeight / 10) + 'px';
for (const ho of canvas.getObjects()) {
// check for 'hotspot' class
if (ho.class && ho.class === 'hotspot') {
ho.on('mousedown', () => {
// check if image was previously loaded
if (loadedImages.indexOf(ho.name) < 0) {
// image is not in the array
// so it needs to be loaded
// prepare the image properties
let imgProps = {
width: ho.imgwidth,
height: ho.imgheight,
left: ho.imgleft,
top: ho.imgtop,
scaleX: .25,
scaleY: .25,
selectable: false,
id: 'img-' + ho.name,
hoverCursor: "default"
var printzelfImg = new Image();
printzelfImg.onload = function (img) {
var printzelf = new fabric.Image(printzelfImg, imgProps);
printzelfImg.src = ho.imgUrl;
// update the `loadedImages` array
} else {
// image was previously loaded
for (const o of canvas.getObjects()) {
// find the correct image on the canvas
if (o.id && o.id === 'img-' + ho.name) {
// toggle the visible property
o.visible = !o.visible;
$( "#cirkel1" ).each(function( i ) {
tippy(this, {
theme: 'blue',
trigger: 'click',
allowHTML: true,
placement: 'right',
animation: 'scale-subtle',
interactive: true,
content: function (reference) {
return reference.querySelector('.tooltipcontent');