与其说是对我的问题的回答,不如说是对我的问题的解决方案。事实证明,使用 IndexLocator 作为设置 x 轴 major_locator 的基础并不是我想要的。
我应该使用 MultipleLocator 代替。
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, AutoMinorLocator)
def round_to_five( n ): # function to round the number to the nearest 5
# Smaller multiple
a = (n // 5) * 5
# Larger multiple
b = a + 5
# Return of closest of two
return (b if n - a > b - n else a)
data = {'Period':['Q1','Q2','Q3','Q4'], 'Start':[-3,-18,-21,-29], 'End':[21,37,48,12]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
graph_start = round_to_five(df['Start'].min()) # set the left boundary to the nearest multiple of 5
graph_end = round_to_five(df['End'].max()) # set right boundary to the nearest multiple of 5
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.vlines(0,-1,len(df['Period']),color='green', linewidth = 2, zorder = 0, label='Announcement' ) # show event reference line at Day 0.
ax.scatter(df['Start'],df['Period'],color = 'purple', label = 'Cycle Start', marker = '|', s = 100, zorder = 2) # plot cycle start in number of days before Announcement Date.
ax.scatter(df['End'],df['Period'],color = 'red', label = 'Cycle End', marker = '|', s = 100, zorder = 2) # plot cycle end in number of days after Announcement Date.
ax.hlines(df['Period'], xmin=df['Start'], xmax=df['End'], color='blue', linewidth = 1, zorder = 1) # show cycle
ax.legend(ncol=1, loc = 'upper right')
## Set min and max x values as left and right boundaries, and then makes ticks to be 5 apart.
ax.set_xlim([graph_start-5, graph_end+5])
ax.tick_params(axis = 'x', labelrotation = 60)