I recently installed VMware Workstation on my computer, and it is causing me some trouble. I'm used to pressing F6 to build in VS2008, but Workstation keeps replacing the hotkey for build with Ctrl+Alt+B, and assigning its own hotkey to F6. Every time I change the hotkey back and restart VS, VMware messes it up again. How do I get my hotkey back without uninstalling Workstation?


2 回答 2


我建议在 VMware 论坛上询问,有很多人抱怨它弄乱了 VS2005 热键。

于 2009-03-20T00:07:38.150 回答

VMWare 用于从客户操作系统中取消键盘/鼠标输入的默认组合键是 Control + Alt。您可以从编辑->首选项->热键选项卡将组合键更改为其他内容(可能是 ctrl + win?)。

于 2009-07-30T18:29:33.640 回答