我使用 Ray RLlib 的 DQN 在我的自定义模拟器中进行训练。它通常在 1500 万步后产生良好的结果。

在玩了一段时间 DQN 之后,我现在正在尝试在模拟器中训练 A2C。但是,如下图所示,它甚至还没有接近收敛。通常,在我的模拟器中,-50 被认为是最大值,使用 DQN 最多可以达到 1500 万步。


DQN 和 A2C 的模拟器完全相同:

  • 71 个离散观测
  • 3个离散动作。


有人能想到 A2C 没有在我的模拟器中学习的原因吗?

A2C 的参数:

(与 Ray RLlib 上的默认配置相同)

    # Should use a critic as a baseline (otherwise don't use value baseline;
    # required for using GAE).
    "use_critic": True,
    # If true, use the Generalized Advantage Estimator (GAE)
    # with a value function, see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.02438.pdf.
    "use_gae": True,
    # Size of rollout batch
    "rollout_fragment_length": 20,
    # GAE(gamma) parameter
    "lambda": 1.0,
    # Max global norm for each gradient calculated by worker
    "grad_clip": 40.0,
    # Learning rate
    "lr": 0.0001,
    # Learning rate schedule
    "lr_schedule": None,
    # Value Function Loss coefficient
    "vf_loss_coeff": 0.5,
    # Entropy coefficient
    "entropy_coeff": 0.01,
    # Min time per iteration
    "min_iter_time_s": 10,
    # Workers sample async. Note that this increases the effective
    # rollout_fragment_length by up to 5x due to async buffering of batches.
    "sample_async": False,
    # Switch on Trajectory View API for A2/3C by default.
    # NOTE: Only supported for PyTorch so far.
    "_use_trajectory_view_api": True,
    # A2C supports microbatching, in which we accumulate gradients over
    # batch of this size until the train batch size is reached. This allows
    # training with batch sizes much larger than can fit in GPU memory.
    # To enable, set this to a value less than the train batch size.
    "microbatch_size": None

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