
我正在为我的 SHA256 函数使用libsparkcrypto 库。我发现我不能Assert这样x = y暗示Sha256(x) = Sha256(y)。任何帮助将不胜感激。



package body TestPackage with
   function Is_Equal (X, Y : LSC.Types.Bytes) return Boolean is
      if X = Y then
         pragma Assert (LSC.SHA2.Hash_SHA256 (X) = LSC.SHA2.Hash_SHA256 (Y));
         return True;
      end if;
      return (LSC.SHA2.Hash_SHA256 (X) = LSC.SHA2.Hash_SHA256 (Y));
   end Is_Equal;

end TestPackage;


with LSC.Types; use LSC.Types;
with LSC.SHA2;

package TestPackage with
   function Is_Equal (X, Y : LSC.Types.Bytes) return Boolean with
     Post => Is_Equal'Result = (LSC.SHA2.Hash_SHA256 (X) = LSC.SHA2.Hash_SHA256 (Y));
end TestPackage;



testpackage.adb:8:25: medium: 断言可能失败,不能证明 LSC.SHA2.Hash_SHA256 (X) = LSC.SHA2.Hash_SHA256 (Y) [可能的解释:testpackage.ads:8 的子程序应该在前置条件][#0]


Summary of SPARK analysis

SPARK Analysis results        Total      Flow   CodePeer     Provers   Justified   Unproved
Data Dependencies                 .         .          .           .           .          .
Flow Dependencies                 .         .          .           .           .          .
Initialization                    .         .          .           .           .          .
Non-Aliasing                      .         .          .           .           .          .
Run-time Checks                   6         .          .    6 (CVC4)           .          .
Assertions                        1         .          .           .           .          1
Functional Contracts              1         .          .    1 (CVC4)           .          .
LSP Verification                  .         .          .           .           .          .
Termination                       .         .          .           .           .          .
Concurrency                       .         .          .           .           .          .
Total                             8         .          .     7 (88%)           .    1 (13%)

max steps used for successful proof: 1

Analyzed 2 units
in unit main, 0 subprograms and packages out of 1 analyzed
  Main at main.adb:8 skipped
in unit testpackage, 2 subprograms and packages out of 2 analyzed
  TestPackage at testpackage.ads:4 flow analyzed (0 errors, 0 checks and 0 warnings) and proved (0 checks)
  TestPackage.Is_Equal at testpackage.ads:8 flow analyzed (0 errors, 0 checks and 0 warnings) and not proved, 7 checks out of 8 proved

2 回答 2


虽然这不是问题的答案,但对较小示例的一些调查表明该问题并非特定LSC.SHA2.Hash_SHA256于 libsparkcrypto 库中的函数。看起来在证明具有数组类型参数的函数的“纯度”方面存在普遍的困难。另一方面,具有标量类型参数的函数按预期证明。

所以问题可能是数组上缺少一些条件,求解器超时太短,或者只是 SPARK 目前无法证明这样的事情(例如,参见SPARK UG 中的第7.8.3节)。关于缺失的条件:我(还)不确定这些缺失的条件是什么,我已经添加了很多,但似乎没有任何帮助。

如果您是证明专家,那么您可以通过检查在手动证明环境中失败的“目标”来进一步调查问题(有关详细信息,请参见 SPARK UG 中的第7.1.8节)。不幸的是,我在这里缺少合适的博士来了解 SPARK 工具的这一部分并对此有所帮助;-)。


package Pkg with SPARK_Mode, Pure is 
   -- Functions with a scalar type parameter --
   function Fcn_Scalar_1 (X : Integer) return Integer;
   function Fcn_Scalar_2 (X : Integer) return Integer
     with Pure_Function;

   function Fcn_Scalar_3 (X : Integer) return Integer
       Global  => null, 
       Depends => (Fcn_Scalar_3'Result => X);

   function Fcn_Scalar_4 (X : Integer) return Integer
     with Post => Fcn_Scalar_4'Result = X; 
   -- Functions with an array type parameter --
   type Arr is array (Natural range <>) of Integer;
   function Fcn_Array_1 (X : Arr) return Integer;
   function Fcn_Array_2 (X : Arr) return Integer
     with Pure_Function;

   function Fcn_Array_3 (X : Arr) return Integer
       Global  => null, 
       Depends => (Fcn_Array_3'Result => X);

   function Fcn_Array_4 (X : Arr) return Arr
     with Post => Fcn_Array_4'Result = X; 

end Pkg;


with Pkg; use Pkg;

package Test with SPARK_Mode is
   --  Is_Equal_Scalar_1 : Postcondition proved.
   --  Is_Equal_Scalar_2 : Postcondition proved.
   --  Is_Equal_Scalar_3 : Postcondition proved. 
   --  Is_Equal_Scalar_4 : Postcondition proved.  
   function Is_Equal_Scalar_1 (X, Y : Integer) return Boolean is
     (if X = Y then True else Fcn_Scalar_1 (X) = Fcn_Scalar_1 (Y))
       with Post => Is_Equal_Scalar_1'Result = (Fcn_Scalar_1 (X) = Fcn_Scalar_1 (Y));
   function Is_Equal_Scalar_2 (X, Y : Integer) return Boolean is
     (if X = Y then True else Fcn_Scalar_2 (X) = Fcn_Scalar_2 (Y))
       with Post => Is_Equal_Scalar_2'Result = (Fcn_Scalar_2 (X) = Fcn_Scalar_2 (Y));
   function Is_Equal_Scalar_3 (X, Y : Integer) return Boolean is
     (if X = Y then True else Fcn_Scalar_3 (X) = Fcn_Scalar_3(Y))
       with Post => Is_Equal_Scalar_3'Result = (Fcn_Scalar_3 (X) = Fcn_Scalar_3 (Y));
   function Is_Equal_Scalar_4 (X, Y : Integer) return Boolean is
     (if X = Y then True else Fcn_Scalar_4 (X) = Fcn_Scalar_4(Y))
       with Post => Is_Equal_Scalar_4'Result = (Fcn_Scalar_4 (X) = Fcn_Scalar_4 (Y));
   --  Is_Equal_Array_1 : Postcondition NOT proved.
   --  Is_Equal_Array_2 : Postcondition NOT proved.
   --  Is_Equal_Array_3 : Postcondition NOT proved.
   --  Is_Equal_Array_4 : Postcondition proved, but only because of the postcondition on Fcn_Array_4.
   function Is_Equal_Array_1 (X, Y : Arr) return Boolean is
     (if X = Y then True else Fcn_Array_1 (X) = Fcn_Array_1 (Y))
         Pre  => X'First = 0 and Y'First = 0 and X'Length = Y'Length and X'Length > 0 and Y'Length > 0,
         Post => Is_Equal_Array_1'Result = (Fcn_Array_1 (X) = Fcn_Array_1 (Y));
   function Is_Equal_Array_2 (X, Y : Arr) return Boolean is
     (if X = Y then True else Fcn_Array_2 (X) = Fcn_Array_2 (Y))
         Pre  => X'First = 0 and Y'First = 0 and X'Length = Y'Length and X'Length > 0 and Y'Length > 0,
         Post => Is_Equal_Array_2'Result = (Fcn_Array_2 (X) = Fcn_Array_2 (Y));
   function Is_Equal_Array_3 (X, Y : Arr) return Boolean is
     (if X = Y then True else Fcn_Array_3 (X) = Fcn_Array_3 (Y))
         Pre  => X'First = 0 and Y'First = 0 and X'Length = Y'Length and X'Length > 0 and Y'Length > 0,
         Post => Is_Equal_Array_3'Result = (Fcn_Array_3 (X) = Fcn_Array_3 (Y));
   function Is_Equal_Array_4 (X, Y : Arr) return Boolean is
     (if X = Y then True else Fcn_Array_4 (X) = Fcn_Array_4 (Y))
       with Post => Is_Equal_Array_4'Result = (Fcn_Array_4 (X) = Fcn_Array_4 (Y));

end Test;


$ gnatprove -Pdefault.gpr --level=2 -j0 -u test.ads --report=statistics
Phase 1 of 2: generation of Global contracts ...
Phase 2 of 2: flow analysis and proof ...
test.ads:12:21: info: postcondition proved (CVC4: 2 VC in max 0.0 seconds and 1 step)
test.ads:16:21: info: postcondition proved (CVC4: 2 VC in max 0.0 seconds and 1 step)
test.ads:20:21: info: postcondition proved (CVC4: 2 VC in max 0.0 seconds and 1 step)
test.ads:24:21: info: postcondition proved (CVC4: 2 VC in max 0.0 seconds and 1 step)
test.ads:35:18: medium: postcondition might fail, cannot prove Is_Equal_Array_1'Result = (Fcn_Array_1 (X) = Fcn_Array_1 (Y)) (e.g. when X = (others => 0) and X'First = 0 and X'Last = 0 and Y = (others => 0) and Y'First = 0 and Y'Last = 0)
test.ads:41:18: medium: postcondition might fail, cannot prove Is_Equal_Array_2'Result = (Fcn_Array_2 (X) = Fcn_Array_2 (Y)) (e.g. when X = (others => 0) and X'First = 0 and X'Last = 0 and Y = (others => 0) and Y'First = 0 and Y'Last = 0)
test.ads:47:18: medium: postcondition might fail, cannot prove Is_Equal_Array_3'Result = (Fcn_Array_3 (X) = Fcn_Array_3 (Y)) (e.g. when X = (others => 0) and X'First = 0 and X'Last = 0 and Y = (others => 0) and Y'First = 0 and Y'Last = 0)
test.ads:51:21: info: postcondition proved (CVC4: 2 VC in max 0.0 seconds and 1 step)
Summary logged in /obj/gnatprove/gnatprove.out


转念一想,还有更多。虽然仍然无法解决问题,但我意识到Is_Equal在数组类型的情况下,函数的先决条件是强制性的。这是因为数组的相等运算符在 Ada 中的行为方式。数组上的相等运算符考虑索引边界(RM 4.5.2 (18)),它只检查数组长度及其组件值。因此,以下数组A1A2被认为是相等的:

type Arr is array (Natural range <>) of Integer;

A1 : constant Arr (0 .. 3) := (1, 2, 3, 4);
A2 : constant Arr (1 .. 4) := (1, 2, 3, 4);   --  Bounds on index differ.


function First_Index (A : Arr) return Integer is (A'First);


function Is_Equal (X, Y : Arr) return Boolean is
     (if X = Y then True else First_Index (X) = First_Index (Y))
       with Post => Is_Equal'Result = (First_Index (X) = First_Index (Y));



with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Main with SPARK_Mode is
   type Arr is array (Natural range <>) of Integer;   
   function First_Index (A : Arr) return Integer is (A'First);
   function Is_Equal (X, Y : Arr) return Boolean is
     (if X = Y then True else First_Index (X) = First_Index (Y))
         Pre  => X'First = 0 and Y'First = 0,
         Post => Is_Equal'Result = (First_Index (X) = First_Index (Y));   
   A1 : constant Arr (0 .. 3) := (1, 2, 3, 4);
   A2 : constant Arr (1 .. 4) := (1, 2, 3, 4);   --  Bounds on index differ.
   if (A1 = A2) then
      Put_Line ("Equal");
      Put_Line ("Not Equal");
   end if;
end Main;




$ gnatprove -Pdefault.gpr --level=1 -j0 -u main.adb --report=statistics
Phase 1 of 2: generation of Global contracts ...
Phase 2 of 2: flow analysis and proof ...
main.adb:16:18: info: postcondition proved (CVC4: 2 VC in max 0.0 seconds and 1 step)
Summary logged in obj/gnatprove/gnatprove.out
于 2021-02-21T20:03:17.157 回答

可能的解释(是的,我知道,爸爸开玩笑)。您没有为 X 和 Y 设置任何前置条件检查,因此 SPARK 无法验证它们。即使他们是同一类型。尝试设置任何检查,看看会发生什么。一般来说,SPARK 喜欢一切都在合同中,越多越好。

于 2021-02-19T20:34:16.243 回答