我想在我的项目中使用 android NDK。所以我的问题是,如何从 android NDK 集成和执行 hello-jni 的默认示例项目?请为我提供逐步解决方案...我对此一无所知...


4 回答 4

1.    First Create Android Project 
2.    Then Create Folder  in the Project with name jni (Dont use other name)

3.       Create File With the Android.mk ( Rightclick on the jni folder ->New -> File -                                                                                 >Android.mk)
// Coding To Build Path and Access
LOCAL_PATH :=$(call my-dir)         // This is Common
include $(CLEAR_VARS)               // This is common`enter code here`
LOCAL_MODULE    := myCFile  // myCFile is ur own  Name of the module
                that will be    called in Activity)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := my.c   // Our C File What should be given in C
                                                                             file creation


4.    Create C File like above With ur own name with the extension .c (This file will be
                                                           used  in LOCAL_SRC_FILES )
                    C File Will Look Like this:
Note :
// Your Package name com.JniMyDemo Then Your Activity File and then the Function name for c file
So that I used jint(return value) 
(Java) its must
(com_JniDemo) is  Specified in Package name(com.JniDemo) we couldnt use . for package so 
we put underscore for c file )
(JniMyDemoActivity) Is my class

First two arguement is Important one others are our own variable for function //

Include two header file string.h,jni.h

#include "string.h"
#include "jni.h"

jint Java_com_JniMyDemo_JniMyDemoActivity_add(JNIEnv *env,jobject jobj,jint n1,jint n2)
jint a,b,c;
return (a+b);

5.  Then Call the The C File Like this 

// Activity Look like this 

public class JniMyDemoActivity extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        TextView txt    =new TextView(this);
        txt.setText(" "+add(100,100));

    private native int add(int i,int j,int k);

6.      Then Compile the C File by 
    Starting Terminal (cmd prompt) Type the Project Path like ( cd  Project Path) and Enter
    Then type the          ( Ndk Location/ndk-build) it will automatically compile & ur jni             folder
7.   If it success means Start the Actvity  it will show the Result of Addition
于 2011-08-30T11:44:29.467 回答

对于 NDK 初学者来说,这是一个相当不错的教程:NDK入门

于 2011-07-08T12:54:51.590 回答

您在这里有一个很棒的教程,解释了使用 NDK 所需的所有内容,如何创建函数以及如何使用它们,并且很容易遵循。http://marakana.com/s/introduction_to_ndk,1153/index.html,对不起我的英语,不是我的母语。

于 2012-07-08T20:18:54.290 回答

学习它是记住事情的艰难方法。在您从developers.android.com 下载的Android NDK 中,您将拥有docs 文件夹,其中包含不同的文档,这些文档将清楚地告诉您应该如何以及何时使用NDK。尤其是完整地浏览OVERVIEW.HTML。 http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html


如果您对什么是本机代码感到困惑 -> 它是您想要与 Android 应用程序一起使用的 C 或 C++ 或汇编代码。这被称为本机代码,因为它不是 Java 语言。


于 2012-04-18T09:03:12.553 回答