我试图计算如果一只股票在开盘时上涨 0.05 的概率,它会上涨 0.50 的概率是多少?遇到一些小问题。
编辑:想通了。在代码中添加了“上面的交叉”。虽然必须有更好的、“更清洁”的方式?还在这部分代码中添加了“...var and...”,如果确实需要,请注意。
def countsells = Sum( var and var1, barsago);
编辑2: 这是我当前的问题。 其他的事情还没有结束。数字似乎不对。现在他们看起来很低。我预计一些股票会在超过 70% 的时间内开盘 + 0.50,但这个指标的说法不同。
# (Probabilty of XYZ FROM THE LAST / PAST XYZ BARS )
# Original/base code By XeoNoX via Usethinkscript.com
# Idea by TheRumpledOne
# By Prison Mike
input barsago = 100;
input buy= .05;
def buyzone= (open + buy);
def var = close crosses above buyzone;
def count = Sum(var, barsago);
AddLabel (yes, "COUNT " + (count) );
def pct= round(count/barsago)*100;
AddLabel (yes, "BuyZone " + (pct) );
input Sell= .50;
def sellzone= (open + sell);
def var1 =close crosses above sellzone;
def countsells = Sum(var and var1, barsago);
AddLabel (yes, "COUNT " + (countsells) );
def pct2=round (countsells/barsago)*100;
AddLabel (yes, "SellZone " + (pct2) );