我正在 ubuntu 中开发一个带有 flex 和 bisonc++ 的“玩具”编译器,它将类似 C 的输入语言编译成优化的 C++。在输入语言中包含一个 main 函数(必须有)并且可以在 main 之外有 optionals 函数,例如:
int myFunc1()
// some functionality
int main()
void myFunf2()
// some functionality
int Name() // here "Name" is a function name
int Name = 0; // Here Name is a variable name
return Name // the function returns with the variable
int main()
int Name = 5; // Here name is a variable name, it is not the same variable which is in the Name()
function, it is a **different** **variable**
if ()
// int Name = 6; <- Name variable cannot be redeclared in this inner if block
// A variable can be declared once in a function it cannot be redeclared in an if, while, etc. block
void Name2()
int Name = 55; // here Name is also a different variable from the others